Vue package Library
VTable Component
This component is a dynamic, customizable table designed to handle various data representations. It is built with Vue 3, Vite, and TypeScript. The component includes pagination, filtering options, and the ability to search through data, making it versatile for different use cases.
To use this component in your Vue.js project, install the npm package:
npm install v-table-system
in Vue Template:
in Vue Script:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { VTable } from "v-table-system";
const labels = ref(["name", "description", "actions"]);
const currentPage = ref(1);
const data = ref([
name: "asd",
description: "asd",
actions: [
tag: "<p>add</p>",
style: {},
callback: () => {
return console.log("add success");
tag: "<p>edit</p>",
style: {},
callback: () => {
return console.log("edit success");
// VPagination Function
const changePage = (page) => {
currentPage.value = page;
Select Row Functionality
To enable select row functionality in the VTable component, use the following template:
in Vue Template:
@selectRow="selectRowHandler" <!-- Capture the selected row -->
in Vue Script:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { VTable } from "v-table-system";
const labels = ref(["name", "description", "actions"]);
const currentPage = ref(1);
const data = ref([
name: "John Doe",
description: "Sample Description",
actions: [
tag: "<p>add</p>",
style: {},
callback: () => {
console.log("add success");
tag: "<p>edit</p>",
style: {},
callback: () => {
console.log("edit success");
name: "Jane Smith",
description: "Another Description",
actions: [
tag: "<p>add</p>",
style: {},
callback: () => {
console.log("add success");
tag: "<p>edit</p>",
style: {},
callback: () => {
console.log("edit success");
// Handle row selection
const selectRowHandler = (selectedRow) => {
console.log("Selected Row:", selectedRow);
// Implement any additional actions based on the selected row
Search Functionality
To enable search functionality in the VTable component, use the following template:
in Vue Template:
:isShowSearch="true" // Show search input
@Search="handleSearch" // Handle search functionality
in Vue Script:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { VTable } from "v-table-system";
const labels = ref(["name", "description", "actions"]);
const currentPage = ref(1);
const searchValue = ref("");
const data = ref([
// Your data here
// Search Function
const handleSearch = (value) => {
searchValue.value = value;
// Implement search logic based on searchValue
Filter Functionality
To add filtering capabilities, you can use the following structure:
in Vue Template:
:isShowSearch="true" // Enable search input
:showFilterInputs="true" // Enable filter inputs
:filtersOptions="filtersOptions" // Provide filter options
@Search="handleSearch" // Handle search with filters
in Vue Script:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { VTable } from "v-table-system";
const labels = ref(["name", "description", "actions"]);
const currentPage = ref(1);
const searchValue = ref(""); // Search value
const filtersOptions = ref([
]); // Filter options
const data = ref([
// Your data here
// Search Function with Filter Options
const handleSearch = (filterObject) => {
filterObject = {
inputValue: "",
keySearch: "value1"
searchValue.value = filterObject.inputValue;
const filterKey = filterObject.keySearch;
// Implement search and filtering logic based on searchValue and filterKey
Sort Functionality
To add sorting capabilities, you can use the following structure:
in Vue Template:
in Vue Script:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { VTable } from "v-table-system";
// Define the columns that are sortable
const sortableColumns = ref(["name", "description"]);
// Define the labels for the table columns
const labels = ref(["name", "description", "actions"]);
// Track the current page number
const currentPage = ref(1);
// Sample data to display in the table
const data = ref([
name: "Example Name",
description: "Example Description",
actions: [
tag: "<p>add</p>",
style: {},
callback: () => {
console.log("add success");
tag: "<p>edit</p>",
style: {},
callback: () => {
console.log("edit success");
// Sort function to handle sorting logic
const SortBy = (Sortobject) => {
Sortobject = {
title: title, // The column title to sort by
direction: direction // The sorting direction (asc or desc)
console.log(`Sorting by: ${Sortobject.title} in ${Sortobject.direction} order`);
// Implement your sorting logic here