A powerful selector for Vue2, list or table view of pagination, use tags for multiple selection, i18n and server side resources supports
Demos and Documents
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The jQuery version: SelectPage
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- show content by pagination
- i18n support, provide Chinese, English, Japanese languages
- server side data source support
- tag form for multiple selection
- keyboard to quick navigate
- quick search for autocomplete
- list view and table view to show content
- custom row content render
Plugin preview
single selection show by list view
multiple selection with tags show by list view
single selection show by table view
Vue plugin series
| Plugin | Status | Description |
| :---------------- | :-- | :-- |
| v-page | | A simple pagination bar, including length Menu, i18n support |
| v-dialogs |
| A simple and powerful dialog, including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast modes |
| v-tablegrid |
| A simpler to use and practical datatable |
| v-uploader |
| A Vue2 plugin to make files upload simple and easier, you can drag files or select file in dialog to upload |
| v-ztree |
| A simple tree for Vue2, support single or multiple(check) select tree, and support server side data |
| v-gallery |
| A Vue2 plugin make browsing images in gallery |
| v-region |
| A simple region selector, provide Chinese administrative division data |
| v-selectpage |
| A powerful selector for Vue2, list or table view of pagination, use tags for multiple selection, i18n and server side resources supports |
| v-suggest |
| A Vue2 plugin for input suggestions by autocomplete |
| v-playback |
| A Vue2 plugin to make video play easier |
| v-selectmenu |
| A simple, easier and highly customized menu solution |
npm i v-selectpage --save
Include plugin in your main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import vSelectPage from 'v-selectpage';
Vue.use(vSelectPage, { global config options });
Deploy on your component
template code
<v-selectpage :data="list" key-field="id" show-field="name" ></v-selectpage>
script code
export default {
return {
list: [
{id:1 ,name:'Chicago Bulls',desc:'芝加哥公牛'},
{id:2 ,name:'Cleveland Cavaliers',desc:'克里夫兰骑士'},
- v-dropdown - The dropdown container layer