This is a radar-diagramm builder
This is a Vue component, you can create a radar diagramm with it. Right now, it only takes percentage statistics, as its scale is from 0 to 100.
How to install it:
npm install v-radar
Import it where you need it and don't forget to add it to your components
How to use it:
You need to provide statistics, polycolor, radar and scale data to use the v-radar component.
Note that the list is not part of this package.
Minimum script required:
import Radar from '../node_modules/v-radar/Radar.vue';
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
vRadar: Radar
data () {
return {
radar: {}, // empty object is the minimum required
scale: {}, // empty object is the minimum required
statistics: { // You must provide at least 3 statistics
wins: 54,
losses: 21,
draws: 25,
color: 'rgba(200, 0, 0, .5)' // color of the stat polygon, you can use any valid css color
Full data available:
import Radar from '../node_modules/v-radar/Radar.vue';
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
vRadar: Radar
data () {
return {
radar: {
size: '400px', // this is the size of the diagramm
structure: { // the structure that will contain the diagramm
external: { // the outer polygon of the structure, those are the defaults values
strokeColor: '#777',
strokeWidth: '4px',
radius: 400, // this should be less than 600 to fit the viewbox
internals: { // the inners polygons, one every 10% of the scale
strokeColor: '#DDD',
strokeWidth: '2px',
average: { // a polygon marking the average (50%) of the scale
strokeColor: '#DDD',
strokeWidth: '2px',
fillColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)',
lines: { // the lines going from center to each summit of the polygon
strokeColor: '#777',
strokeWidth: '2px',
scale: { // You can define the scales of each stats here, the name must be the same, default value is 100 (percentage)
wins: 100,
losses: 100,
draws: 100,
statistics: { // You must provide at least 3 statistics
wins: 54,
losses: 21,
draws: 25,
color: 'rgba(200, 0, 0, .5)' // the color of the stat polygon