JavaScript utility functions, packaging some commonly used js functions
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Instructions for use
npm install utils-lib-js
yarn add utils-lib-js
pnpm install utils-lib-js
import { defer, messageCenter, TaskQueue, Request } from "utils-lib-js";
const { defer, messageCenter, TaskQueue } = require("utils-lib-js");
in your browser
<script src="./node_modules/utils-lib-js/dist/umd/index.js"></script>
TS interface comment
With reference to https://gitee.com/DieHunter/utils-lib-js/blob/master/src/types.ts
Code demo
base module
1. randomNum(min: number, max: number, bool? : boolean): number
Generates random integers within the specified range.
: indicates the minimum value (including).max
: indicates the maximum value (inclusive).bool
: Indicates whether the maximum value is contained. The default value is false.
const randomNumber = randomNum(1, 10);
console.log(randomNumber); // Generates a random integer between 1 and 10
2. urlSplit(url: string): object
Parses URL query parameters into objects.
: indicates the URL containing the query parameter.
const url = "https://example.com/path?param1=value1¶m2=value2";
const params = urlSplit(url);
// Output: {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}
3. urlJoin(url: string, query: object): string
Converts the object to a URL query parameter and concatenates it with the original URL.
: indicates the original URL.query
: object containing query parameters.
const url = "https://example.com/path";
const query = { param1: "value1", param2: "value2" };
const newUrl = urlJoin(url, query);
// Output: https://example.com/path?param1=value1¶m2=value2
4. getType(data: any): string
Get the type of data.
: indicates the data to be checked.
const dataType = getType("Hello, World!");
console.log(dataType); // Output: string
5. getTypeByList(data: any, whiteList: string[]): boolean
Check whether the data type is in the whitelist.
: indicates the data to be checked.whiteList
: indicates the list of allowed data types.
const data = 42;
const allowedTypes = ["number", "string"];
const isTypeAllowed = getTypeByList(data, allowedTypes);
console.log(isTypeAllowed); // Output: true
6. toKebabCase(camelCase: string, separator: string = "-"): string
The hump name is converted to a hyphenated name
: hump type variableseparator
: indicates the separator
const camelCase = "fontSize";
const kebabCase = toKebabCase(camelCase);
console.log(kebabCase); // Output: font-size
object module
1. getValue(object: object, key: string, defaultValue: any = ''): any
Gets the value of the specified path in the object.
: indicates the target object.key
: the path to the value to be obtained.defaultValue
: Default value, returned if the path does not exist.
const obj = { a: { b: { c: 42 } } };
const value = getValue(obj, "a.b.c", "default");
console.log(value); // Output: 42
2. setValue(object: object, key: string, value: any = {}): object
Sets the value of the specified path in the object.
: indicates the target object.key
: path to the value to be set.value
: indicates the value to be set.
const obj = { a: { b: { c: 42 } } };
setValue(obj, "a.b.d", "new value");
console.log(obj); // Output: {a: {b: {c: 42, d: 'new value'}}}
3. mixIn(target: object, source: object = {}, overwrite: boolean = false): object
Mixes the properties of the source object into the target object.
: indicates the target object.source
: indicates the source object.overwrite
: Whether to overwrite an existing attribute. The default is' false '.
const target = { a: 1 };
const source = { b: 2 };
const result = mixIn(target, source);
console.log(result); // Output: {a: 1, b: 2}
4. enumInversion(target: object): object
Inverts the key-value pair of an enumeration object.
: enumeration object to be reversed.
const enumObj = { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" };
const invertedEnum = enumInversion(enumObj);
console.log(invertedEnum); // Output: {value1: 'key1', value2: 'key2'}
5. isNotObject(source: any, type: string): boolean
Check whether the value is of a non-object type.
: indicates the value to be checked.type
: indicates the data type.
const result = isNotObject(42, "number");
console.log(result); // Output: false
6. cloneDeep(target: any): any
Deep clone object.
: indicates the object to be cloned.
const obj = { a: { b: { c: 42 } } };
const clonedObj = cloneDeep(obj);
console.log(clonedObj); // Output: {a: {b: {c: 42}}}
7. createObjectVariable(type: string, source: object = {}): object
Creates an object of a specific type based on its type.
: indicates the type of the object to be created.source
: initializes the data of the object.
const array = createObjectVariable("array", [1, 2, 3]);
console.log(array); // Output: [1, 2, 3]
8. createObject(source: object): object
Create objects using a prototype chain.
: prototype object.
const protoObj = { a: 1 };
const newObj = createObject(protoObj);
console.log(newObj.a); // Output: 1
9. inherit(source: object, target: function): function
Inherit the prototype chain.
: prototype chain of the parent object.target
: constructor of the child object.
function Parent() {}
Parent.prototype.method = function () {
console.log("Hello from parent");
function Child() {}
inherit(Parent, Child);
const childInstance = new Child();
childInstance.method(); // Output: Hello from parent
10. getInstance(classProto: function, overwrite: boolean = false, ... params: any[]): object
Gets a singleton instance of a class.
: The prototype chain of the class.overwrite
: Whether to overwrite an existing instance. The default is' false '.params
: arguments to the class constructor.
class Singleton {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
const instance1 = getInstance(Singleton, false, "Instance 1");
const instance2 = getInstance(Singleton, true, "Instance 2");
console.log(instance1 === instance2); // Output: false
11. classDecorator(params: object): ClassDecorator
Add a decorator to the class.
: properties and methods to add.
additionalMethod: function () {
console.log("Additional method");
class DecoratedClass {}
const instance = new DecoratedClass();
instance.additionalMethod(); // Output: Additional method
12. stringToJson(target: string): object | null
Converts a JSON string to an object.
: JSON string to be converted.
const jsonString = '{"key": "value"}';
const jsonObject = stringToJson(jsonString);
console.log(jsonObject); // Output: {key: 'value'}
13. jsonToString(target: any): string
Converts the object to a JSON string.
: indicates the object to be converted.
const obj = { key: "value" };
const jsonString = jsonToString(obj);
console.log(jsonString); // Output: '{"key":"value"}'
14. isWindow(win: any): boolean
Check whether it is a browser window.
: indicates the object to be checked.
const isBrowserWindow = isWindow(window);
console.log(isBrowserWindow); // Output: true
14. emptyObject(init: IObject): object
Creates an object whose prototype is empty.
: initializes the object.
const o = emptyObject({ name: "hunter" });
const o2 = { name: "hunter" };
console.log(o.__proto__, o2.__proto__); // Output: undefined, [Object: null prototype] {}
15. isEmptyObject(object: IObject<unknown>): boolean
Determines if the object is empty
: the target object.
const o = isEmptyObject({ name: "a u" });
const o2 = isEmptyObject({});
console.log(o, o2); // Output: false true
array module
1. arrayRandom(arr: any[]): any[]
Randomly sort the array.
: array to sort.
const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const randomizedArray = arrayRandom(originalArray);
// Output: a randomly sorted array
2. arrayUniq(arr: any[]): any[]
Removes duplicate elements from the array.
: array to process.
const arrayWithDuplicates = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5];
const uniqueArray = arrayUniq(arrayWithDuplicates);
// Output: Array with duplicate elements removed
3. arrayDemote(arr: IDemoteArray<any>, result: any[] = []): any[]
Reduces the dimension of multiple nested arrays.
: array to be reduced.result
: The array used to store the result. The default is an empty array.
const nestedArray = [1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]];
const demotedArray = arrayDemote(nestedArray);
// Output: reduced array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
4. arrayLoop(list: any[], current? : number): { item: any; current: number }
Walks through the elements in the group and returns the current element and its index.
- 'list' : The array to traverse.
- 'current' : indicates the index of the current element. The default is 0.
// Each time the arrayLoop function is called, current is incremented by 1 and takes the module length to loop to the beginning of the array.
const list = [
" Element 1",
"element 2",
" element 3",
"element 4",
" element 5",
// Simulation loop multiple times
let c = 0;
.forEach(() => {
const { item, current } = arrayLoop(list, c);
c = current;
console.log(item, c); // 1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0
function module
1. throttle(fn: Function, time: number): Function
Limits how often a function is called within a specified period of time.
: function to be executed.time
: indicates the time interval (milliseconds).
const throttledFunction = throttle(
() => console.log("Throttled function called!"),
throttledFunction(); // This command is executed only after 1 second
2. debounce(fn: Function, time: number): Function
Limits the continuous invocation of a function for a specified period of time.
: function to be executed.time
: indicates the time interval (milliseconds).
const debouncedFunction = debounce(
() => console.log("Debounced function called!"),
debouncedFunction(); // Called multiple times within 1 second, only the last time will be executed
3. defer(timer: number = 0): { promise: Promise<void>, resolve: Function, reject: Function }
Create a flat Promise delay object that can be set to time out after a certain amount of time.
: indicates the timeout period (milliseconds). The default value is 0.
const deferFn = () => {
const { resolve, promise } = defer();
setTimeout(() => resolve("success"), 500);
return promise;
const delayFn = () => {
const { promise } = defer(1000);
return promise;
deferFn().then(console.log); // Delay output
delayFn().catch(console.error); // Timeout output
4. catchAwait(defer: Promise<any>): Promise<[Error | null, any]>
Catches an Error for an asynchronous operation and returns' [Error, null] 'or' [null, result] '.
: The Promise object for the asynchronous operation.
const asyncOperation = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Simulate asynchronous operations
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error("Something went wrong!"));
}, 1000);
const [error, result] = await catchAwait(asyncOperation);
console.log(error); // Output: Error: Something went wrong!
console.log(result); // Output: null
5. requestFrame(callback: (timestamp: number) => void, delay? : number): () => void
Custom frame callbacks for use in browsers and Node.js environments (like setinterval)
- callback: callback function to be executed in each frame, receiving a parameter timestamp indicating the current timestamp.
- delay (optional) : specifies the interval (milliseconds) between each callback execution. The default value is 0.
let count = 0;
const clear = requestFrame(() => {
if (count === 5) {
clear(); // Cancel the execution
}, 1000);
#### element module
##### 1. `createElement(options: { ele? : string | HTMLElement, style? : object, attr? : object, parent? : HTMLElement }): HTMLElement`
Creates and returns an HTML element.
- `ele` : element type or existing HTMLElement object, optional, default is 'div'.
- `style` : The style object of the element, optional.
- `attr` : attribute object of the element, optional.
- `parent` : indicates the parent of the element. This parameter is optional.
const options = {
ele: "div",
style: { color: "blue", fontSize: "16px" },
attr: { id: "myElement", className: "custom-class" },
parent: document.body,
const createdElement = createElement(options);
// Create a div element with style and attributes in the body
event module
1. addHandler(ele: HTMLElement, type: string, handler: EventListener): void
Add event listeners to the element.
: target element.type
: indicates the type of the event.handler
: event handler.
const button = document.getElementById("myButton");
const handleClick = () => console.log("Button clicked! ");
addHandler(button, "click", handleClick);
2. stopBubble(event: Event): void
Prevent events from bubbling.
: indicates an event object.
const handleClick = (event) => {
console.log("Button clicked! ");
3. stopDefault(event: Event): void
Default behavior to block events.
: indicates an event object.
const handleFormSubmit = (event) => {
console.log("Form submitted! ");
4. removeHandler(ele: HTMLElement, type: string, handler: EventListener): void
Removes an element's event listener.
: target element.type
: indicates the type of the event.handler
: event handler to be removed.
const button = document.getElementById("myButton");
const handleClick = () => console.log("Button clicked! ");
addHandler(button, "click", handleClick);
// Other operations...
removeHandler(button, "click", handleClick);
5. dispatchEvent(ele: HTMLElement, data: any): void
Trigger a custom event.
: target element.data
: indicates the data of a custom event.
const customEvent = new CustomEvent("customEvent", {
detail: { key: "value" },
const targetElement = document.getElementById("myElement");
dispatchEvent(targetElement, customEvent);
storage module
1. setStorage(key: string, val: any): void
Store values to local storage.
: specifies the name of the key.val
: The value to be stored.
const userData = { username: "john_doe", email: "[email protected]" };
setStorage("user_data", userData);
2. getStorage(key: string): any
Gets the value from local storage.
: specifies the key name to be obtained.
const storedUserData = getStorage("user_data");
// Output: {username: 'john_doe', email: '[email protected]'}
3. clearStorage(key? : string): void
Clear the value from the local store.
: specifies the name of the key to be cleared. If no key name is provided, all storage is cleared.
clearStorage("user_data"); // Clear the stored value for a specific key name
// or
clearStorage(); // Clear all locally stored values
log module
1. logOneLine(str: string, overwrite: boolean = false, wrap: boolean = true): void
Output logs in one line.
: The string to be output.overwrite
: Whether to overwrite the current line. The default is' false '.wrap
: Whether to wrap lines after output, defaults to 'true'.
logOneLine("This is a single line log message.");
2. logLoop(opts? : { loopList? : string[], isStop? : boolean, timer? : number, index? : number }): { loopList? : string[], isStop? : boolean, timer? : number, index? : number }
Output a loop animation in the console.
: an optional parameter object containing the following properties:loopList
: animation character list, the default is[' \ \ ', '|', '/', '-', '-']
: Whether to stop the loop. The default is' false '.timer
: Animation switch interval (milliseconds), default is' 100 '.index
: indicates the index of the current animated character. The default value is 0.
logLoop(); // Start the default loop animation
// or
logLoop({ loopList: ["-", "+", "-", "+"], timer: 200 }); // Start a custom loop animation
animation module
1. class AnimateFrame
A class that provides frame animation.
- `start(duration? : number): void ': Starts frame animation, optional parameter' duration 'is frame number control.
stop(): void
: stops frame animation.
const animateFrame = new AnimateFrame((timestamp) => {
// Update animation status here
console.log("AnimationFrame callback:", timestamp);
animateFrame.start(60); // Start frame animation at 60 frames per second
// Other operations...
animateFrame.stop(); // Stop frame animation
2. quadraticBezier(_x: number, _y: number, t: number): [number, number]
Calculate the coordinates of points on the quadratic Bessel curve.
: x coordinates of control point 1.\_y
: y coordinate of control point 1.t
: indicates the time parameter. The value ranges from 0 to 1.
const result = quadraticBezier(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.5);
// Output: [0.75, 0.75]
3. cubicBezier(_x1: number, _y1: number, _x2: number, _y2: number, t: number): [number, number]
Calculate the coordinates of points on a cubic Bezier curve.
: x coordinate of control point 1.\_y1
: y coordinate of control point 1.\_x2
: control point 2 x coordinates.\_y2
: y coordinate of control point 2.t
: indicates the time parameter. The value ranges from 0 to 1.
const result = cubicBezier(0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5);
// Output: [0.375, 0.625]
4. factorial(n: number): number
Calculate the factorial.
- n: indicates a non-negative integer.
const result = factorial(5);
// Output: 120
5. combination(n: number, k: number): number
Calculate the number of combinations.
- n: indicates the total number.
: indicates the number of selected items.
const result = combination(5, 2);
// Output: 10
6. NBezier(points: number[][], t: number): [number, number]
Calculate the point coordinates on the NTH Bezier curve.
: array of control points. Each point is a second-order array.t
: indicates the time parameter. The value ranges from 0 to 1.
const points = [
[0, 0],
[1, 1],
[2, 0],
const result = NBezier(points, 0.5);
// Output: [1.5, 0.75]