This package is all you need to complete utility functions for your project efficiently.
Util Functions
util functions provides you functions that helps you to do functionality in your project
correct format of using the package, you cannot destructure the functions
Correct Format
Incorrect Format
functions are :
This method have a single parameter which receives numbers or string includes number and return back the value for ex:
if you pass "1500" then it will returns "1.5k", so 1500 -> 1.5k if it is "15,000" then 15k, so 15000 -> 15k this "1000000" to 1m so, 1000000 -> 1M
This method also have a single parameter which receive a string and you must pass a future date so it will print how much years, month, days,hours and minute is passed for ex:
if you pass "2025-05-14" then "10 months 329 days 18 hours 11 minutes" will be the output
note: pass the string in this format year-month-days
This method have 1-2 parameter first parameter includes a number or string which is the number of days and if you does'nt give 2nd parameter then it will add the days with current date if the first parameter is negative value then it will subtract. The second parameter receives a date and if it is included then it will add the days to the given date for ex:
if the current date is "2024-06-18 then first parameter is 365 then return "2025-06-18" if the current date is "2024-06-18 then first parameter is -365 then return "2023-06-19"
if you give like getDate(-5,"2024-01-10") then returns "2024-01-05" if you give like getDate(5,"2024-01-10") then returns "2024-01-10"
This method also have one parameter which receives number or string includes only numbers and return the last N months from current month as an array for ex:
if the input is 12 then it will return last 12 months getLastMonths(12) -> returns
[ 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June' ]
you cannot give a negative value if it does then return []
As the name provides it receives a array of strings and return the dates if the date is in current year. it may be not be that much necessary but there must be scenarios we use this for ex:
if input array is ["2025-04-08", "2024-04-10","2025-12-12", "2024-04-08","2024-08-08"] then it returns [ '2024-04-10', '2024-04-08', '2024-08-08' ]
the return array only includes the dates in the current year
This functions generates otp based on you give the digits . it always unique it can be used for generating otp it need one argument to call the function it return number of digits that's it for ex:
generateOtp(4) return 1260 generateOtp(6) return 252000
note: No leading zero in the generated otp
This functions generates key of length we given and return. It includes Alphabetic characters and special chars except (Double quote), (Single quote), (Opening parenthesis), (Closing parenthesis), (Asterisk), (Comma),(Period),(Slash),(Colon),(Semicolon),(Less than),(Greater than), (Opening square bracket),(Backslash), (Closing square bracket),(Caret), (Backtick),(Tilde)
This function one parameter as string or number and return if the year is end of century. The string must only contains numbers for ex:
isEndCentury(2000) return true isEndCentury(1905) return false
As the name of the function it also find the input year is leap or not as we know 2024 was a leap year if you pass isLeapYear(2024) then it returns true and if it is isLeapYear(1900) then returns false if any NaN things send like isLeapYear("YEAR") then it will throw "Invalid digits" as we cant calculate that
This function meant for finding the difference of days between two dates like when you pass dayDifference("08-31-2005","08-16-2005") returns 15 it will only return absolute value like when we subtracting each days then if it is -15 it returns 15
note: date must in format MM-DD-YYYY
- getDay
This functions returns day of the date like if the date is 30 6 2024 then it is sunday pass the argument as MM-DD-YYYY
- daysOfYear
This function returns how much days of the year is completed now if it is leap year then the february
- retryPromise
This function helps you to retry promises if needed so you can pass a async function and other optional arguments one is count of retry default it will be three and the time needed to retry in milliseconds
for ex: retryPromise(fn: any, retry: number = 3, delay: number = 1000)
it will call the function 3 times and return your result if you not pass the number of retry in every second
- validateEmail
As the name of the function it is to validate the email in web development validations are very important so some common validations are added in the package for the form all the validations are each functions like validate email, password ,phone number and name etc you need to pass your email in the function and it will return true if it is valid otherwise false
- validatePassword
To validate password 1 argument and boolean return
- validatePhone
To validate phone number 1 argument and boolean return
- validateName
To validate name 1 argument and boolean return
- validateFullName
To validate full name 1 argument and boolean return
- other validations
validateURL, validateCreditCard, validateIPV4, validateDate, validateHexColor, validateMACAddress, validateIPv6, validateUUID, validateCreditCardCVV, validateLatitude, validateLongitude, validateHTMLTag, validateCountryCode, validatePassportNumber, validateBinary, validateYouTubeURL, validateMongoObjectId
- formatDate
send your date here and it will update the string and return back
camelToSnake and snakeToCamel
This functions convert the text to both camel case and snake case we all know that in JS camel case is the standard way of coding and in python we mostly use snake case in both function we can convert from one style to another
- generatePort
This function generate an port number in range between 1000 and 65536 and it will check that is the port available in the system or already allocated by any program
Just call this function and it will return a port number
- isPortAvailable
This function check whether that the given port number is available or not in you system you need send a port number in range 79 and 65535
eg: const available = await isPortAvailable(4000) returns true or false
package name is util-functions and the functions that i created from the problems that i have faced it will have updates in future and if you have any suggestions or error occurs then contact me in this email
"[email protected]" if you have any problems then share it with me. i will try to add the functions in my package