Common & useful functions that extend the Util class in NodeJs
Node.js utilities module extensions
Common & useful functions that extend the Util class in NodeJs. Basically these are all those functions that you usually carry between projects and repos. Ideally centralized in a single lib, distributed through NPM and easy to use.
Basically, if you are already using util
module from NodeJS just do this
var util = require('util'); // this is how you have it now
var util = require('util-ext') // this is how you add support for extended util functions
Take a look at the code to see the available functions.
npm install util-ext
Available Functions
Partial. Creates a callback with a set of pre-applied parameters. It's really useful when you need to pass a parametrized callback and you don't want to go through the spaghetti of creating a closure. e.g.
var handler = function(mode, e){ /** some shitty code */ }; // some function with 2 args
var handlerA = util.partial(handler, "MODE_A"); // create a callback where we fix param mode to be "MODE_A"
obj.subscribe('event' handlerA); // pass the handler with the applied argument e will be determined by context
You get the point.
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