A zero-dependency tool to encode/decode UTF-8, UTF-16 and hex strings. For browser and Node.js. With typings.
utf helpers
Package containing some low-level helpers to encode/decode strings to UTF-8 and UTF-16 sequences.
Also it has some small helper to encode/decode hex strings.
Zero dependencies. Browser and Node compatible. 1.3Kb minified and gzipped.
npm i utf-helpers
yarn add utf-helpers
Or, just include it to the browser (old school way):
<script src="utf-helpers.min.js"/>
Brief example
import {Utf8, Utf16, HexString} from 'utf-helpers'
// or import just all in one entry point:
// import {UtfHelpers} from 'utf-helpers'
Utf8.stringToU8a('a 🌷') // Uint8Array [97, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183]
Utf8.u8aToString([97, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183]) // "a 🌷"
Utf8.lengthInBytes('a 🌷') // 6
Utf16.stringToU16a('a 🌷') // Uint16Array [97, 32, 55356, 57143]
Utf16.u16aToString([97, 32, 55356, 57143]) // "a 🌷"
Utf16.lengthInBytes('a 🌷') // 4
HexString.toU8a('0x6120f09f8cb7') // Uint8Array [97, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183]
HexString.fromU8a([97, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183])// "0x6120f09f8cb7"
// even super complex strings!
Utf8.lengthInBytes('👨🏼👩🏼👧🏼👧🏼') // 41
Utf16.lengthInBytes('👨🏼👩🏼👧🏼👧🏼') // 19
Utf8.stringToU8a('abc 🌷 η 人')
// Uint8Array [97, 98, 99, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183, 32, 206, 183, 32, 228, 186, 186]
Utf8.stringToNumberArray('abc 🌷 η 人')
// [97, 98, 99, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183, 32, 206, 183, 32, 228, 186, 186]
Utf8.stringToHexString('abc 🌷 η 人')
// "0x61626320f09f8cb720ceb720e4baba"
Utf8.u8aToString(Uint8Array.from([97, 98, 99, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183, 32, 206, 183, 32, 228, 186, 186]))
Utf8.numberArrayToString([97, 98, 99, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183, 32, 206, 183, 32, 228, 186, 186])
// All three give "abc 🌷 η 人"
// Actually `u8aToString` and `numberArrayToString` both can take usual JS array and Uint8Array
Utf8.lengthInBytes('abc 🌷 η 人') // 15
To encode and decode string to Uint8Array:stringToU8a(str: string): Uint8Array
u8aToString(u8a: Uint8Array): string
To encode and decode string to usual JS array (of numbers):stringToNumberArray(str: string): number[]
numberArrayToString(arr: number[] | Uint8Array): string
To encode and decode string to hex string:stringToHexString(str: string): string
hexStringToString(hexString: string): string
Evaluate byte length of the string without encoding:
lengthInBytes(str: string): number
Utf16.stringToNumberArray('abc 🌷 η 人')
// [97, 98, 99, 32, 55356, 57143, 32, 951, 32, 20154]
Utf16.stringToU16a('abc 🌷 η 人')
// Uint16Array [97, 98, 99, 32, 55356, 57143, 32, 951, 32, 20154]
Utf16.u16aToString(Uint16Array.from([97, 98, 99, 32, 55356, 57143, 32, 951, 32, 20154]))
Utf16.numberArrayToString([97, 98, 99, 32, 55356, 57143, 32, 951, 32, 20154])
// Both give "abc 🌷 η 人"
// Actually `u16aToString` and `numberArrayToString` both can take usual JS array and Uint16Array
Utf16.lengthInBytes('abc 🌷 η 人') // 10
To encode and decode string to Uint16Array:stringToU16a(str: string): Uint16Array
u16aToString(arr: number[] | Uint16Array): string
To encode and decode string to usual JS array (of numbers):
stringToNumberArray(str: string): number[]
numberArrayToString(arr: number[] | Uint16Array): string
Evaluate byte length of the string without encoding:
lengthInBytes(str: string): number
// Uint8Array [97, 98, 99, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183]
// [97, 98, 99, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183]
HexString.fromU8a(Uint8Array.from([97, 98, 99, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183]))
HexString.fromArray([97, 98, 99, 32, 240, 159, 140, 183])
// Both give "0x61626320f09f8cb7"
// Also, works with strings without '0x' start:
HexString.toArray('616263') // [97, 98, 99]
// Empty sequences are safe:
HexString.toArray('') // []
HexString.toArray('0x') // []
To encode and decode Uint8Array <-> hex string:fromU8a: (bytes: number[] | Uint8Array) => string
toU8a: (hexString: string) => Uint8Array
To encode and decode JS array (of numbers) <-> hex string:fromArray: (bytes: number[] | Uint8Array) => string
toArray(hexString: string): number[]