Library, providing a simple and convenient way to use WebGPU
BETA. Use at your own risk
Library and documentation are under active development
You can find developers, join team, leave issues or suggestions on GitHub or Reddit
This repository contains UtahPot library, which help when using WebGPU (WGPU) in your projects.
To install:
npm i utahpot
Here is the example of using this library on our landing page.
Here is the base project to use with Utahpot.
Here is the documentation for WebGPU
We reccomend to use this architecture:
♦ Camera
- position: vec3 -> position of this camera in the scene
- eulers: vec3 -> euler angles / tilt of this camera
- view: mat4 -> visible part of the scene for this camera in frame
- forwards, right, up: vec3 -> camera movement information
constuctor(position: vec3, thetha: number, phi: number)
Creates a new camera at the "position" with "eulers" of "thetha" and "phi"
Updates all info about camera for new frame
Returns "view"
get_position() / set_position(position: vec3)
Returns or sets "position"
get_eulers() / set_eulers(eulers: vec3)
Returns or sets "eulers"
spin_camera(dX: number, dY: number)
Tilts the camera along X and Y axes for "dX" and "dY" degrees
move_camera(forwards_amount: number, right_amount: number, up_amount: number)
Moves camera for "forwards_amound", "right_amount", "up_amount"
♦ Light
- position: vec3 -> position of this light in the scene
- eulers: vec3 -> euler angles / tilt of this light
- forwards, right, up: vec3 -> light movement information
constuctor(position: vec3)
Creates a new light at the "position"
Updates all info about light for new frame
get_position() / set_position(position: vec3)
Returns or sets "position"
get_eulers() / set_eulers(eulers: vec3)
Returns or sets "eulers"
move_camera(forwards_amount: number, right_amount: number, up_amount: number)
Moves light for "forwards_amound", "right_amount", "up_amount"
♦ Triangle / Quad / Subject
- position: vec3 -> position of this object in the scene
- eulers: vec3 -> euler angles / tilt of this object
- model: mat4 -> object model information
constuctor(position: vec3)
Creates a new object at the "position"
Updates all info about object for new frame
Returns "model"
get_position() / set_position(position: vec3)
Returns or sets "position"
get_eulers() / set_eulers(eulers: vec3)
Returns or sets "eulers"
rotateX(deg: number) / rotateY(deg: number) / rotateZ(deg: number)
Rotates the object for "deg" degrees
♦ Material
- texture?: GPUTexture
- view?: GPUTextureView
- sampler?: GPUSampler
- bindGroup?: GPUBindGroup
initialize(device: GPUDevice, url: string, bindGroupLayout)
Initializing a new Material(texture) from "url" for the "device" with "bindGroupLayout"
♦ Triangle_mesh / Quad_mesh
- buffer: GPUBuffer
- bufferLayout: GPUVertexBufferLayout
constructor(device: GPUDevice)
Creates a new mesh for the "device"
♦ Obj_mesh
- buffer?: GPUBuffer
- bufferLayout: GPUVertexBufferLayout
- v: vec3[] -> vertexes
- vt: vec2[] -> uv coords
- vn: vec3[] -> normals
- vertices?: Float32Array -> all faces data in a row
- vertexCount?: number -> number of vertices
Creates an empty obj file mesh
initialize(device: GPUDevice, url: string)
Initializing a new .obj file mesh from "url" for the "device" ready for rendering