Build and Release management automation package.
UT Tools
Continuous integration, continuous delivery and automation scrips to be used within package.json scripts section.
Starting with ut-tools
version 7, it needs to be installed as a global package,
instead of adding it in devDependencies
, which will only slow down
npm install
for each developer and the Jenkins builds.
To enable VSCode linter to use the same rules as ut-tools
, add these settings
in the appropriate place (user or workspace settings ctrl+, ):
"eslint.options": {
"overrideConfigFile": "/enter the installation path here/ut-tools/eslint/.eslintrc.js"
"eslint.nodePath": "/enter the installation path here/ut-tools/node_modules"
Available scripts
- ut-changelog: generate or update CHANGELOG.MD, based on conventional-changelog
- ut-check: run tests and npm audit security checks
- ut-cover: run code coverage
- ut-jenkins: run tests in Jenkins and optionally publish to npm if the current branch is the master
- ut-lint-css: lint css files
- ut-lint: lint .js files and package.json
- ut-lint-js: lint .js files
- ut-postversion: does not do anything currently
- ut-precommit: run linting
- ut-prepush: run npm test (suitable to be used in git hook)
- ut-pretest: run linting before testing
- ut-preversion: run test coverage before incrementing the version
- ut-release: increment the version, push to git and publish to npmjs or nexus
- ut-release-lerna: increment the versions of all updated lerna monorepo packages and publish to npm
- ut-test: run all tests