Using SWR as dependency, Gardevoir helps you define your routes and map them to specific components with ease.
Using SWR from Vercel as dependency, Gardevoir helps you define your routes and map them to specific components with ease.
How to use :
- Create a config file :
import { GardevoirReturnOptions } from "usegardevoir";
const config = {
getPokemon : (FetchOptions, SwrOptions)
: GardevoirReturnOptions => {
const {name} = FetchOptions || "gardevoir";
return {
url : `${name}`,
revalidateIfStale : true,
revalidateOnFocus : true,
export default config;
- Create a hook to get the react callback function based on your config file.
import initializeGardevoir from 'usegardevoir';
import config from './config';
function useGardevoir(){
const gardevoirCb = initializeGardevoir(config);
return gardevoirCb;
export default useGardevoir;
- Inside your component run the hook.
const swr = useGardevoir();
const data = swr('getPokemon',{
FetchOptions : {
name : 'ditto'
SwrOptions : {
// if needed
Both FetchOptions and SwrOptions are optional, SwrOptions retrieve the types from SwrConfiguration.