a library for using a pseudo random number generator in react hooks
Pseudo random number generator
This is a wrapper hook for a pseudo random number generator. (it also can do pure random) based on Prando library
How to Use
const [ randomValue, getNext ] = usePseudoRandom()
// randomValue = some random number from 0 to 1 with no options
// now randomValue is updated with the next number
Option | required | type | description --- | --- | --- | --- seed | no | string or number | seed used to generate the numbers WholeNumber | no | boolean | dictate if using a whole number or not range | no | { min: number, max: number } | Between a min (inclusive) and a max (exclusive) for non whole numbers, inclusive for whole numbers
Use Pseudo Random Number
This hook returns a tuple of the random number and a function to get the next number.
const [ randomValue, getNext ] = usePseudoRandom()
// randomValue = some random number from 0 to 1 with no options
// now randomValue is updated with the next number
Options for the random number generator can be passed in as an object.
const [ randomValue, getNext ] = usePseudoRandom({
seed: 'some seed', // text or number can be a seed
wholeNumber: true,
range: { min: 0, max: 10 }
under the hood this is using the Prando library.