Use Phoenix channels in a React app implemented with Hooks
A React hook that allows for responding to and broadcasting messages over Phoenix channels.
See the "Improving UX with Phoenix Channels & React Hooks" Blogpost for an example use case.
npm install use-phoenix-channel
// or
yarn add use-phoenix-channel
There are two main pieces to the libray, the SocketProvider
Component and the useChannel
To be used once at a high level in the component tree similar to Redux Provider:
import React from 'react'
import { SocketProvider } from 'use-phoenix-channel'
const Root = (props) => {
return (
<SocketProvider wsUrl='localhost:4000/socket', options={{ token }}>
<App />
export default Root
import React from 'react'
import { useChannel } from 'use-phoenix-channel'
const MyComponent = () => {
const [state, broadcast] = useChannel(channelName, reducer, initialState)
// ...
The useChannel hook gives a component access to state that will update in real time in response to messages broadcast over a channel. It also gives a component access to a function to broadcast messages over the specified channel.
It should be passed the name of the channel, a reducer function defining the messages to respond to and any initial state.
Responding to Messages
import React from 'react'
import { useChannel } from 'use-phoenix-channel'
const channelName = 'counter:example'
const countReducer = (state, {event, payload}) => {
// the second argument is the message sent over the channel
// it will contain an event key and a payload key
switch(event) {
case 'increment':
return state + payload.amount
case 'decrement':
return state - payload.amount
const initialState = 0
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const [{ count }, broadcast] = useChannel(channelName, countReducer, initialState)
return (
<h1>{`The value below will update in realtime as the count is changed by other subscribers to the {channelName} channel`}</h1>
{ count }
Broadcasting Messages
The broadcast function returned by the hook can be invoked to push messages onto the channel. It should be passed the event name and a payload.
import React from 'react'
import { useChannel } from 'use-phoenix-channel'
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const [state, broadcast] = useChannel(channelName, reducer, initialState)
return (
<button onClick={() => broadcast("increment", {amount: props.amount}) }>
{`Increment by ${props.amount}`}
<button />
<button onClick={() => broadcast("decrement", {amount: props.amount}) }>
{`Decrement by ${props.amount}`}
<button />