A library to translate your react app in a clean, easy, and reliable manner.
is a React library that simplifies the integration of Google Translate into your web application. It provides a custom React hook for managing language translation and localization effortlessly.
- Clean, Simple, and Seamless integration of Google Translate.
- Automatically detect user's language and translate to detected language.
- A function to set the user's peferred language with instant translaton.
- Pass in your website's supported languages.
- Customizable and extensible for your specific needs.
You can install the use-google-translate
library using npm or yarn:
npm install use-google-translate
# or
yarn add use-google-translate
//Get the hook and types
import useGoogleTranslate, { FutureText, GoogleLanguage } from 'use-google-translate';
import useGoogleTranslate from 'use-google-translate';
export default function Example() {
const supportedLanguages = {
en: {
code: "en",//Required
name: "English",//Optional
isRTL: false,//Optional
countryCode: "us"//Optional
"zh-CN": {
code: "zh-CN",
name: "中文",
isRTL: false,
countryCode: "cn"
ar: {
code: "ar",
name: "العربية",
isRTL: true,
countryCode: "sa"
const futureTexts = [
'This is an alert text that shows after clicking "Show Alert 1", and has been translated in the past for this time.',
id: 'show-alert-2', text: 'The is another alert text that shows after clicking "Show Alert 2", and has been translated in the past for this time.'
const mustTranslate = true
const {
lang,//current preferred, detected, or default language, e.g en, es, ar...
isRTL,//true if "lang" is a right-to-left language, else false. Determined from the supported language passed.
detectedCountryCode,//the country of the user
detectedCountryLanguage,//the language of the user based on the user country
supportsLanguage,//a method that takes a locale/language and returns true if it's in the supported list
getLanguageData,//a method that takes a locale/language and returns the object of the supported language, or null
getTranslationFutureText,//a method that takes a text id or text and returns its translated version.
translate,//a method that takes a locale and translate the page to the locale passed
translating,//returns true if translation has not completed, else false
} = useGoogleTranslate(
supportedLanguages, // *Required. The languages the translator should support
"en", // *Required. The default language. This is also the language of the page
// A text in the default language that the hook will add and hide as a div element to the page to detect when translation
// is done, by comparing the text content of this div on an interval of 200ms to this text.
"Hello world", // *Required.
// This are texts that will be displayed later. Such as in alert pop ups.
// The texts are added and hidden with unique ids as div elements to the page
// This allows the texts that will be needed in the lifespan of the page to be translated all at once,
// while the contents of these divs are returned with a simple function(getTranslationFutureText) when needed;
// to avoid layout change during user interactions that would cause another google translation process.
// If set to true, the page will reload when the translation has timed out without any translation done.
// IF false, the translating state will be set to false with no translation done.
mustTranslate, // the default is true
6000 // The translation process timeout in milliseconds. The default is 5000. That is, 5 seconds.
const handleAlert1 = () => {
alert(getTranslationFutureText('This is an alert text that shows after clicking "Show Alert 1", and has been translated in the past for this time.'))
const handleAlert2 = () => {
return (
<div style={{display: translating? "none" : "block"}}>
<div className="notranslate">ExampleSiteName</div>
<h1>This is a test content for translation.</h1>
<div>Current language: <span className="notranslate">{lang}</span></div>
<select onChange={(e) => {
{Object.keys(langs || {}).map((lng) => {
if (lng === lang) return null;
return (
<option key={index} value={lang.code}>{}</option>
<button onClick={handleAlert1}>Show Alert 1</button><br />
<button onClick={handleAlert2}>Show Alert 2</button>
<div style={{display: !translating? "none" : "block", fontStyle: "italic"}}>...</div>