Update this version using Semantic versioning
Update this version using Semantic versioning
Automatically adds and commits the changelog and current_release changes
You can make use of the User History(only for azure devops) feature where every commit using a syntax like:
feat(test): #35: commit message
or feat: #35: add commit message
. Will group all tasks with #35 under a only User history and link the work item to in this case an azure devops item.
This project uses a weigth system to upgrade the versions whitout using manual intervention with semantic versioning where:
BREAKING CHANGE > feat > fix.
If in the commits we find a "BREAKING CHANGE" the version goes one major.
If we find a "feat" it goes up one minor.
If we find a "fix" it goes up one patch.
Lets say the project finds a "BREAKING CHANGE" and a "feat" it will go up one major because of the weigth system.
Future updates
Working on be able to set the type of release manually example:
update-this-version --release --path-type "major"
where you can select between:
- major
- minor
- patch
general rule is you should do a full release or a normal release and then a release to prd, doing it separatly its used when you dont wanna release every version to production and want to do it in a separate job in you ci/cd pipeline
npm i -g update-this-version
update-this-version // create a release aimed to dev env
update-this-version --release // create a release aimed to dev env
update-this-version --full-release // create a release aimed to dev and prod env
update-this-version --release-prd // create a release aimed to prod env
git add .
git commit -m "chore(release): version [skip ci]"
git push -u origin main --tags