Upbit exchange API
upbit-js provides API of UPBIT crypto currency exchange.
Currently UPBIT API version v1.0.2 is implemented.
Using upbit-js users can:
- easily access to UPBIT exchange's candle data, order books, private order list.
- order bid and ask
- cancel orders
- see list of user's orders
- see list of user's assets
- see available markets
$ npm install upbit-js
How to code in Javascript
const Upbit = require('upbit-js').Upbit;
const upbit = new Upbit();
// list all available markets in UPBIT
upbit.marketAll().then( value => {
// get 100 candle data for 15 minutes unit of KRW-XRP market
upbit.candlesMinutes({unit: 15, market: 'KRW-XRP', count: 100, to: undefined})
.then( value => {
.catch( err => {
How to code in Typescript
import { Upbit } from 'upbit-js';
const upbit: Upbit = new Upbit();
// get 200 candle data at day unit of BTC-ETH market
upbit.candlesDays( { market: 'BTC-ETH', count: 200 })
.then( value => {
.catch( err => {
Quatation APIs
: Promise<void>
// units: unit of minutes candle. available units are 1, 3, 5, 15, 10, 30, 60, 240
// count: # of candles. max value is 200
// market: available market code can be listed by calling upbit.marketAll()
// to: last datetime of candles. if undefined, request candles to latest time
candlesMinutes(param: {units: number, market: string, count?: number, to?: string })
: Promise<void>
// count: # of candles. max value is 200
// market: available market code can be listed by calling upbit.marketAll()
// to: last datetime of candles. if undefined, request candles to latest time
candlesDays(param: {market: string, count?: number, to?: string })
: Promise<void>
// count: # of candles. max value is 200
// market: available market code can be listed by calling upbit.marketAll()
// to: last datetime of candles. if undefined, request candles to latest time
candlesWeeks(param: {market: string, count?: number, to?: string })
: Promise<void>
// count: # of candles. max value is 200
// market: available market code can be listed by calling upbit.marketAll()
// to: last datetime of candles. if undefined, request candles to latest time
candlesMonths(param: {market: string, count?: number, to?: string })
: Promise<void>
tradesTicks(param: {market: string, to?: string, count?: number, cursor?: string})
: Promise<void>
// multiple markets can be iterated using comma
ticker(param: {markets: string})
: Promise<void>
// multiple markets can be iterated using comma
orderBook(param: {markets: string})
: Promise<void>
Exchange APIs
// To use some exchange APIs, you need to acquire access token and secret key
// You can request for those secrets in Upbit service site.
// set/get accessToken and secretToken.
setAuth(accessToken: string, secretToken: string): void
getAccessToken(): string
getSecretToken(): string
// show all balances of the user. accessToken and secretToken should be set by setAuth
getAccounts(): Promise<void>
getOrdersChance(market: string): Promise<void>
// get all order list of a specific market
getOrders(market: string, state?: OrderState, page?: number, orderBy?: string): Promise<void>
// response example:
getOrder(uuid?: string, identifier?: string): Promise<void>
//response example
// order trade
// market: REQUIRED
// side: 'ask' | 'bid' REQUIRED
// volume: amount of coin. ex) '0.283' REQUIRED
// price: ex) '23.87' REQUIRED
// ordType: 'limit' REQUIRED
postOrders(market: string, side: string, volume: string, price: string, ordType: string):
// cancel order
// need to get uuid by calling getOrders() or getOrder()
delOrder(uuid: string): Promise<void>