A unit-of-work queue.
a simple, multi-backend unit of work queue.
WARNING - This documentation if full of lies at the moment.
Creating a Task.
var uow = require("uow");
// This will create a basic memory queue.
// If you would like a db queue then, you must supply a storage driver.
// `uow.init("my-jobs", { store: MyFancyStoreObject })`
var task = uow.Task("my-tasks", "task-name", {
example : "This is an example data point."
other : "another example data point."
// Using later you can schedule the task in the future.
task = task.later(later_js_expression);
// You can delay the task for a specified time.
// ***Note*** when setting a `later` and `delay` the task will wait `delay`
// milliseconds after the `later` schedule date.
task = task.delay(number_of_milliseconds);
// You can set a priority on the job.
// The following priorities are available: {
// low : 10
// normal : 0
// medium : -5
// high : -10
// critical : -15
// }
task = task.priority("high");
// You can specify the number of retry attempts.
// Default is zero (0).
task = task.attempts(3);
// You can specify a back-off algorithm
// Default is `fixed`
task = task.backoff( true );
// Once you have seasoned to your liking then save your task.
.then(function (task) {
console.log( task.id );
.catch(function (e) {
console.log( e );
Task Schema
id : "110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c866d813b8d1", // UUID v4 of this task.
name : "task-name", // type of task.
status : "ready", // task is ready to be run.
data : { // user supplied data.
example : "This is an example data point.",
other : "another example data point."
delay : 0, // how long to delay the run of this task after, after date.
after : 1432956883000, // task available to run after this date.
priority : 0, // normal priority.
attempts : {
failed : 0, // number of times the task failed.
cancelled : 0, // number of times the task was started but cancelled.
timed_out : 0, // number of times the task timed out.
total : 0, // total number of attempts.
max : 2 // maximum number of times to attempt this task.
backoff : "fixed" // name of the back-off algorithm.
Task Status List
- Ready - Task is ready to run if now is greater than
date. - Failed - Task has failed and should not be retried.
- Success - Task has been successfully completed.
- Cancelled - Task has been cancelled.
Processing Tasks
// @TODO provide a polling interval. by default it will poll as fast as possible.
var worker = uow.Worker([ "task-name", "email" ])
worker.on("process task-name", function (job, done) {
// ... do stuff here.
When you call uow.Worker it will start looking into the store for tasks to process.
- Query for unlocked (lock expired) "pending" tasks.
- Request lock on task.
- Notify worker of task.
- Wait for worker to complete task.
Once it finds a task it will issue a lock request for that task.
// Default time to live is 30 seconds.
store.getLock(task, time_to_live = 30000);
.then(function (task) {
worker.emit("process "+task.name, task, callback);
Worker List Schema
// @TODO add performance statistics.
id : "2a31cb0-1432-11e1-8558-0b488e4fc115", // UUID of the worker.
status : "waiting", // worker is waiting assignment.
last_active : 1432957521000, // worker has been idle since this time.
Worker Status List
- Waiting - Worker is waiting on task assignment.
- Processing - Worker is busy processing a task.
- Errored - Worker has failed.
- Sleeping - Worker has requested some time off.
- Quit - Worker has gone home for the day.