Render markdown into html at build time.
- 🪜 Support Vite, Rollup, Webpack, esbuild, and more - powered by
- 🚀 0-runtime
- 🎃 Rich and customizable built-in rules for rendering markdown
- Built-in code highlight - powered by Shiki
- Built-in support for table-of-contents - tagged with
- Built-in support for YAML front matter - tagged with
- Built-in support for anchors of heading
npm i unplugin-markdown-2-html
// vite.config.ts
import UnpluginMarkdown2Html from 'unplugin-markdown-2-html/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
UnpluginMarkdown2Html({ /* options */ }),
Example: playground/
// rollup.config.js
import UnpluginMarkdown2Html from 'unplugin-markdown-2-html/rollup'
export default {
plugins: [
UnpluginMarkdown2Html({ /* options */ }),
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
/* ... */
plugins: [
require('unplugin-markdown-2-html/webpack')({ /* options */ })
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
buildModules: [
['unplugin-markdown-2-html/nuxt', { /* options */ }],
This module works for both Nuxt 2 and Nuxt Vite
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
require('unplugin-markdown-2-html/webpack')({ /* options */ }),
// esbuild.config.js
import { build } from 'esbuild'
import UnpluginMarkdown2Html from 'unplugin-markdown-2-html/esbuild'
plugins: [UnpluginMarkdown2Html()],
for example
✨ Directly import from the markdown file
import { html, toc, meta, markdown } from './hello.md'
console.log(html, toc, meta, markdown)
/* `html` 👇 */
// <h1 id="h1" tabindex="-1"><a class="header-anchor" href="#h1">#</a> h1</h1>
// <pre class="shiki Gentle Clean Monokai" style="background-color: #303841" tabindex="0"><code><span class="line"><span style="color: #E7D38F">export</span><span style="color: #66B395"> </span><span style="color: #E7D38F">interface</span><span style="color: #66B395"> </span><span style="color: #FFAFCCE3">Person</span><span style="color: #66B395"> </span><span style="color: #BFC5D0DD">{</span></span>
// <span class="line"><span style="color: #66B395"> </span><span style="color: #62C4C4">name</span><span style="color: #A6ACB9B8">:</span><span style="color: #66B395"> </span><span style="color: #62C4C4">string</span></span>
// <span class="line"><span style="color: #BFC5D0DD">}</span></span>
// <span class="line"></span></code></pre>
// <h1 id="h2" tabindex="-1"><a class="header-anchor" href="#h2">#</a> h2</h1>
// <p>Paragraph goes here.</p>
/* `toc` 👇 */
// <nav class="table-of-contents"><ul><li><a href="#h1">h1</a></li><li><a href="#h2">h2</a></li></ul></nav>
/* `meta` 👇 */
// {
// "title": "Hello Makrdown",
// "likes": 100
// }
/* `markdown`(same with raw file content) 👇 */
// ---
// title: Hello Makrdown
// likes: 100
// ---
// # h1
// ```ts
// export interface Person {
// name: string
// }
// ```
// # h2
// Paragraph goes here.
| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
| markdown | object | ❎ | { html: true }
| How markdown is rendered. See MarkdownItOptions |
| toc | object | ❎ | { listType: 'ul' }
| How table-of-contents is rendered. See TocOptions |
| anchor | object | ❎ | - | How anchors of heading is rendered. See AnchorOptions |
| highlight | object | ❎ | { theme: 'vitesse-dark' }
| How code block is highlighted. See Highlight Code |
Typescript Support
💪🏻 Want ts-hint when importing markdown files? Add unplugin-markdown-2-html/markdown
to tsconfig.json
would make world peace :)
"compilerOptions": {
"types": [ "unplugin-markdown-2-html/markdown" ],
Highlight Code
Themes for Code Highlighting(Shiki)
Use the built-in themes of Shiki, or any theme you like in the VS Code theme market.
Built-in themes:
'css-variables' | 'dark-plus' | 'dracula-soft' | 'dracula' | 'github-dark-dimmed' | 'github-dark' | 'github-light' | 'hc_light' | 'light-plus' | 'material-theme-darker' | 'material-theme-lighter' | 'material-theme-ocean' | 'material-theme-palenight' | 'material-theme' | 'min-dark' | 'min-light' | 'monokai' | 'nord' | 'one-dark-pro' | 'poimandres' | 'rose-pine-dawn' | 'rose-pine-moon' | 'rose-pine' | 'slack-dark' | 'slack-ochin' | 'solarized-dark' | 'solarized-light' | 'vitesse-dark' | 'vitesse-light'
Themes from VS Code Market:
For example: The Gentle Clean theme provides two sets of theme options: Gentle Clean Vitesse
and Gentle Clean Monokai
So for option Gentle Clean Vitesse
, the theme configuration would be kricsleo.gentle-clean.Gentle Clean Vitesse
. For option Gentle Clean Monokai
, the theme configuration would be kricsleo.gentle-clean.Gentle Clean Monokai
. Remote themes are downloaded automaticly.