A unocss preset that aligns with the official features of Tailwind, emphasizing consistency.
unocss-preset-tailwindcss (WIP)
A unocss preset that aligns with the official features of Tailwind, emphasizing consistency.
The goal is to seamlessly switch projects using Tailwind to unocss-preset-tailwindcss.
Tailwind encompasses a set of highly standardized design specifications that I can't live without after using it. However, it lacks speed and feels a bit cumbersome.
Unocss, on the other hand, is fast and integrates better with the frontend toolchain. However, the official preset-wind
doesn't strictly adhere to Tailwind's rules; it's a mishmash that feels quite loose.
I want developers to be able to focus on Tailwind's official documentation while enjoying the advantages of unocss.
Base Styles
- [] Preflight
- [x] Aspect Ratio
- [x] Container
- [x] Columns
- [x] Break After
- [x] Break Before
- [x] Break Inside
- [x] Box Decoration Break
- [x] Box Sizing
- [x] Display
- [x] Floats
- [x] Clear
- [x] Isolation
- [x] Object Fit
- [x] Object Position
- [x] Overflow
- [x] Overscroll Behavior
- [x] Position
- [x] Top / Right / Bottom / Left
- [x] Visibility
- [x] Z-Index
Flexbox & Grid
- [x] Flex Basis
- [x] Flex Direction
- [x] Flex Wrap
- [x] Flex
- [x] Flex Grow
- [x] Flex Shrink
- [] Order
- [] Grid Template Columns
- [] Grid Column Start / End
- [] Grid Template Rows
- [] Grid Row Start / End
- [] Grid Auto Flow
- [] Grid Auto Columns
- [] Grid Auto Rows
- [] Gap
- [] Justify Content
- [] Justify Items
- [] Justify Self
- [] Align Content
- [] Align Items
- [] Align Self
- [] Place Content
- [] Place Items
- [] Place Self
- [] Padding
- [] Margin
- [] Space Between
- [] Width
- [] Min-Width
- [] Max-Width
- [] Height
- [] Min-Height
- [] Max-Height
- [] Font Family
- [] Font Size
- [] Font Smoothing
- [] Font Style
- [] Font Weight
- [] Font Variant Numeric
- [] Letter Spacing
- [] Line Clamp
- [] Line Height
- [] List Style Image
- [] List Style Position
- [] List Style Type
- [] Text Align
- [] Text Color
- [] Text Decoration
- [] Text Decoration Color
- [] Text Decoration Style
- [] Text Decoration Thickness
- [] Text Underline Offset
- [] Text Transform
- [] Text Overflow
- [] Text Indent
- [] Vertical Align
- [] Whitespace
- [] Word Break
- [] Hyphens
- [] Content
- [] Background Attachment
- [] Background Clip
- [] Background Color
- [] Background Origin
- [] Background Position
- [] Background Repeat
- [] Background Size
- [] Background Image
- [] Gradient Color Stops
- [] Border Radius
- [] Border Width
- [] Border Color
- [] Border Style
- [] Divide Width
- [] Divide Color
- [] Divide Style
- [] Outline Width
- [] Outline Color
- [] Outline Style
- [] Outline Offset
- [] Ring Width
- [] Ring Color
- [] Ring Offset Width
- [] Ring Offset Color
- [] Box Shadow
- [] Box Shadow Color
- [] Opacity
- [] Mix Blend Mode
- [] Background Blend Mode
- [] Blur
- [] Brightness
- [] Contrast
- [] Drop Shadow
- [] Grayscale
- [] Hue Rotate
- [] Invert
- [] Saturate
- [] Sepia
- [] Backdrop Blur
- [] Backdrop Brightness
- [] Backdrop Contrast
- [] Backdrop Grayscale
- [] Backdrop Hue Rotate
- [] Backdrop Invert
- [] Backdrop Opacity
- [] Backdrop Saturate
- [] Backdrop Sepia
- [] Border Collapse
- [] Border Spacing
- [] Table Layout
- [] Caption Side
Transitions & Animation
- [] Transition Property
- [] Transition Duration
- [] Transition Timing Function
- [] Transition Delay
- [] Animation
- [] Scale
- [] Rotate
- [] Translate
- [] Skew
- [] Transform Origin
- [] Accent Color
- [] Appearance
- [] Cursor
- [] Caret Color
- [] Pointer Events
- [] Resize
- [] Scroll Behavior
- [] Scroll Margin
- [] Scroll Padding
- [] Scroll Snap Align
- [] Scroll Snap Stop
- [] Scroll Snap Type
- [] Touch Action
- [] User Select
- [] Will Change
- [] Fill
- [] Stroke
- [] Stroke Width
- [] Screen Readers
Official Plugins
- [] Typography
- [] Forms
- [] Aspect Ratio
- [] Container Queries