The ABI (application binary interface) for version 1.1 of Unlock-protocol's PublicLock and Unlock contracts. These are built out of commit b7220ca3 inside the main unlock repository
Unlock ABI v1.1
This npm module includes the ABI for the smart contracts Unlock.sol and PublicLock.sol for v1.1 The smart contracts have been compiled as of commit b7220ca3.
* ae8fb664 - Extend an expired key on re-purchase (#3554) (22 hours ago)
* 3251e2ca - Add a beneficiary account for withdrawing funds from a Lock (#3506) (2 days ago)
* ceb9275b - ZOS and ZOS-Lib to 2.3.0 (#3497) (2 days ago)
* 1022c0cb - Updating to Solidity 0.5.9 (#3500) (2 days ago)
* 1e35c101 - Make getBalance public (#3507) (2 days ago)
* 83e28629 - Gas report: new methods & sorted (#3496) (2 days ago)
* 91a85584 - Moving CI lint after test (#3498) (2 days ago)
* c8a2b72d - Update truffle-security in group default to the latest version (#3502) (5 days ago)
* 81c736cb - Update openzeppelin-solidity in group default to the latest version (#3386) (5 days ago)
* fe9a4496 - Update truffle-hdwallet-provider in group default to the latest version (#3485) (5 days ago)
* b703f88c - Update truffle in group default to the latest version (#3486) (6 days ago)
* 4e3e6084 - pushed a new version of Unlock for mainnet (#3416) (7 days ago)
* 5f64f66c - Update unlock implementation address in zos rinkeby json (#3389) (8 days ago)
* 37779512 - upgrading on rinkeby to 1.0 (#3360) (12 days ago)
* e88fea09 - Greenkeeper/default/truffle security 1.4.4 (#3352) (13 days ago)
* cc404765 - Bumping Unlock & PublicLock to v4 (#3329) (2 weeks ago)
* 7288b7a7 - Update the contract tests shouldFail helper to support Ganache w/o auto-mine (#3327) (2 weeks ago)
* a517fab9 - Update truffle in group default to the latest version (#3335) (2 weeks ago)
* dea582bd - +Truffle-flattener (#3276) (2 weeks ago)