Conjugates languages
Universal Conjugator
The conjugator takes in a verb and a grammar form and outputs the conjugated word. For example, the future form of ‘하다’(to do) should return ‘할거야’(will do). This API will come handy for people who are learning a new language or, if you’re like us, building a language learning app https://llip.io. As for now, the following languages are supported:
- Korean
- Hindi
- French
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
The Conjugator Website
The Conjugator Webiste is live! https://llipio.github.io/conjugator
Installing / Getting started
Installing universal-conjugator can be done with npm. The link to the npm page can be found here.
npm install universal-conjugator
First, create a supported language conjugator. Second, pass in a verb and attributes (e.g. tense) associated with the language.
# Import the universal-conjugator module
let Conjugator = require('universal-conjugator');
# First get a conjugator object for language of your choice
let koreanConjugator = Conjugator.create('korean');
# Call the conjugator's conjugate method to conjugate the verb of your liking
let conjugatedWord = koreanConjugator.conjugate(‘하다’, {
tense: 'future'
To start developing, fork and clone the reposity onto your local computer and run npm install.
git clone https://github.com/llipio/conjugator.git
cd conjugator
npm install
To contribute to the Conjugator Website, please submit pull request to origin/website branch.
Tests are written with Chai.js. Reference for the library is here. After writing tests, use the below instructions to run the tests.
npm run test # run single time
npm run test:watch # live re-run test for any change
We warmly welcome contributions and pull requests to the universal-conjugator project. If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch.
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.