## About
The chatbot is a tool to manage dialogues and to link them with interactions. To start with, just the interaction section is built.
To create a new instance of a chatbot, you just write:
var c = new Chatbot();
You may also define a json file where the intentions are stored
var c = new Chatbot("./data/new_intentions.json");
Adding Intentions
Intention are user's intentions resulting in a specific service (normally: A function that delivers a message, a link or whatever).
Adding an intention looks like this:
c.add_intention("LinkedIn", { func: "linkedIn" } );
The fist parameter (which is required) is the name of the intention which has to be unique. Otherwise an error message is prompted.
The second parameter is the callback which points to a function. func holdd the functions name.
It is also possible to pass an object and a sub-function, like this:
c.add_intention("LinkedIn", { obj: "executor", func: "follow_me"},
When ths object parameter is defined, there has to be an instance with the name executor which has a function with the name follow_me
You might also want to pass some cueWords that trigger the respective intention function:
c.add_intention("LinkedIn", { obj: "executor", func: "follow_me", cueWords: "LinkedIn" }
Ween the chtabot.parse function is evoked whic expects a strng, it looks for the repektive cueWords (you may pass an array or a sring). When something is found, the function is triggered.
To humanize the chatbot answer you can pass a delay (in ms). The function is then evoked with this particular timeout.
The callback may also hold a params object that may be of unse inside your callback function. Pass it like this:
{ obj: "executor",
func: "follow_me",
cueWords: "LinkedIn",
params: {
msg: "Sorry, I am not connected" } }
Storing intentions in a json file
You may want to store your intentions in a file and make it persisten. You just have to pass a name, like this:
Reading in your stored intentions
Reading in these informations is ease. You just have to pass the file when you create the objekt, like this:
var c = new Chatbot("./data/my_intentions.json");