Generate AST of lots of common programming languages using antlr4. JavaScript API and CLI tool.
API and CLI to generate Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) of several well-known programming languages using antlr4 grammars
Playground - Demo
Playground (WIP)
- JavaScript API for node.js and browser.
- Command line tool
- TypeScript
- ASTs for C, golang, ruby, java, python, scala, erlang, lua, dart2, rust, antlr4, kotlin, smalltalk, fortran77, VisualBasic6, less wat, and more...
A word of caution
A word of caution regarding generated ASTs:
- Not guaranteed to support 100% of Language's features
- Not guaranteed to render 100% of given source code semantics
- AST structure is not official
- Was built using antlr4 which is not a tool oriented to generate
- So some grammars needed to be post-processed to remove redundant nodes.
- Was built using antlr4 which is not a tool oriented to generate
npm i univac
JavaScript API
import { parseAst } from 'univac'
const ast = await parseAst({
input: 'int main() {}',
language: 'c'
console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2))
Command line
univac --input src/file.py --language python3 --output file-ast.json
univac --listLanguages
univac --input "int main() {}" --language c > ast.json
Supported Languages
The idea is to support all languages in antlr4 grammars
THis is a very new project, WIP, this is the current status:
- tests for Node.js API
- tests to make sure it runs in the browser
- C language
- Golang
- C++
- scala
- ruby
- java
- lua
- python3
- erlang
- dart2
- kotlin
- Fortran77
- Smalltalk
- VisualBasic6
- wat
- less
- java9 (very slow)
- Basic Playground
- playground improved with many examples, syntax hihgiling,different kind of ast viewers.
- antlr4 grammar
- c++ grammar (cppAntlr) - slow
- introduced second kind of parser : tree-sitting. These return a "real" ast - not visitor.
- declared adaptor interfaces
- visitor is now a normalizer Normalizer
- tree-sitter tests for node
- async call parseAst()
- rust (tree-sitter)
- sexpressions (antlr4)
- abnf (antlr4)
- julia (tree-sitter)
Language grammars notes
Grammar taken from official readline-smalltalk project: https://github.com/redline-smalltalk/redline-smalltalk
Is not Ruby, is Ruby-like. Doesn't support Object Oriented features.
TODO: rename it or remove it. Notes from the author:
Ruby-like language (Corundum) grammar written in ANTLR v4. Was developed just for fun to use with Parrot VM (basically it compiles into PIR - parrot intermediate representation)
It has some specific stuff like inline pir and for loop :) And won't ever have OOP features, sorry.
It's very very slow, just use the java one. notes form the author:
A Java 8 grammar for ANTLR 4 derived from the Java Language Specification chapter 19.
NOTE: This grammar results in a generated parser that is much slower than the Java 7 grammar in the grammars-v4/java directory. This one is, however, extremely close to the spec.