Unique Queryparams sintax (Inspired in Elastic Search) that creates queries Elastic Search and MongoDB
Querystring parser that follows a simple ruleset to form querystrings and them builds the apropiate queries for different databases.
How to install
npm install --save unified-queryparams
Abstract class meant to be used as a super class for specific queryparam implementations
- skip: Number. Used for pagination. Defines how many documents of the result query must be skipped before returing the objects.
- limit: Number. Used for pagination. Defines how many documents can fit in the result set.
- fields: String. Used for projection. Defines which fields of the objects must be returned. Useful for optimizing queries.
- defaultOperator: String. Elastic Search Exclusive. Defines how consecutive filters should be interpreted. Values: "AND", "OR". Default: "AND".
- sort: String. Used for sorting.
- filter: String. Used for filtering the query.
fields Sintax
<field> <field> ...
sort Sintax
<field>:<direction> <field>:<direction> <field>:<direction> ...
filter Sintax
The sintax is very similar to elastic search. There are 3 types of filters:
- Text Search:
<field> <field>
- Equality Search:
- Operator Search:
(SUPPORTED OPERATORS: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=)
- "foo fighter bar"
- "foo:fighter"
- "foo:>=fighter"
get filterRegExp(): Obtains the Regular Expression used to parse the filter parameter.
get sortRegExp(): Obtains the Regular Expression used to parse the sort parameter.
get defaultOperatorRegExp(): Obtains the Regular Expression used to parse the defaultOperator parameter.
getSkip(): Obtains and parses the skip parameter into the appropiate query format.
getLimit(): Obtains and parses the limit parameter into the appropiate query format.
getFields(): Obtains and parses the fields parameter into the appropiate query format.
getDefaultOperator(): Obtains and parses the defaultOperator parameter into the appropiate query format.
Implementation of the CRAF queryparams processing for Elastic Search Uri Api.
As this class is aimed for the Elastic Search Uri Search Api it is recommended to read the Api's documentation.
getSize(): Alias for getLimit().
getSource(): Alias for getFields().
getFrom(): Alias for getSkip().
getFilter(): Obtains and parses the filter parameter into the appropiate query format.
getQuerystring(): Returns the fully formed and formatted Elastic Search Uri queryparam
const queryParams = new ElasticSearchUriQueryParams(req.query),
querystring = queryParams.getQuerystring(),
response = await promiseHttp.get({
hostname: host,
path: `/opal/${type}/_search${querystring}`,
port: port,
objects = response.hits.hits.map((hit) => {
return hit._source;
Implementation of the CRAF queryparams processing for the MongoDB driver.
As this class is aimed for the MongoDB driver it is recommended to read the Api's documentation.
mapToMongoOperator(): Returns the corresponding mongodb operator based on the querystring operator
mapToMongoSort(): Returns the corresponding mongodb sort direction value based on the querystring.
getQuery(): Obtains the filter to be passed to the mongodb query.
getProjection(): Alias for getFields().
getQueryOptions(): Returns the fully formed query options to be passed to mongoDB
const queryParams = new MongoDBQueryParams(req.query),
query = queryParams.getQuery(),
queryOptions = queryParams.getQueryOptions(),
mongodb = new MongoLeroyDriver(servers, database, options),
objects = await mongodb.find(collectionName, query, queryOptions);