Undo Redo That Helper.
Undo Redo That Helper, control your value timeLine (past-future).
ValueTimeLineSimple is open for any type, and have few simple oprations, get-set(value), undo(isUndo), redo(isRedo), timeLine(past[], future[]).
ValueTimeLineWrapper is like the simple version, but have encpsulated RxJs abilities (BehaviorSubject), such as Subscribe, trigger, pipe, and so on and so forth and what have you not.
cd <my_location>
npm install undo-redo-helper --save
TS ValueTimeLine Simple
import { ValueTimeLineSimple } from "undo-redo-helper";
// if not undefined => add as first value (last undo is always undefined).
let stateHistory = new ValueTimeLineSimple<number|undefined>(undefined);
// value 1
stateHistory.value = 1;
// will add undefined to history(in ctor undefined will not add)
stateHistory.value = undefined;
console.log('timeLine, value change', stateHistory.value, stateHistory.timeLine);
// undo array, add undo options 3, 4.
stateHistory.timeLine.past.push(...[3, 4]);
// timeLine change.
// timeLine.past change => value change.
console.log('timeLine.past change, value change', stateHistory.value, stateHistory.timeLine);
// redo array, add redo options, no need to fireEventHandler
stateHistory.timeLine.future = [5, 6, 7];
// redo (after undo, or by timeLine.future);
console.log('timeLine.future + redo, value change', stateHistory.value);
// go back.
console.log('stateHistory.timeLine - past-future', stateHistory.value, stateHistory.timeLine);
TS ValueTimeLine Wrapper
import { ValueTimeLineWrapper } from "undo-redo-helper";
import { getLog } from "myy-common";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";
// if not undefined => add as first value (last undo is always undefined).
// trigger 0
//let stateHistory = new ValueTimeLineWrapper(undefined, val => { getLog('stateHistory.eventHandler init test:')(val); });
let stateHistory = new ValueTimeLineWrapper(undefined, getLog('stateHistory.eventHandler init test:'));
// will trigger also on Ctor.
stateHistory._subscribe(getLog('stateHistory.eventHandler _subscribe test:'));
// line brake
stateHistory.subscribe(x => console.log());
// trigger 1
stateHistory.value = 1;
// will add undefined to history(in ctor undefined will not add)
stateHistory.value = undefined;
// trigger custom change.
stateHistory.fireEventHandler('my custom action', 2);
// not-trigger, undo array, add undo options 3, 4.
// to trigger 4 (last) use fireEventHandler
stateHistory.timeLine.past.push(...[3, 4]);
// timeLine change => no trigger.
// timeLine.past change => value change.
console.log('timeLine.past change, value change, no trigger',
// update Observable by past array, trigger 4 (last from timeLine.past).
// pipe source to make calced data.
stateHistory.e.pipe(map(x => 'last num is: ' + x))
.subscribe(getLog('stateHistory simple pipe test:'));
stateHistory._e.pipe(map(x => JSON.stringify(x)))
.subscribe(getLog('stateHistory complex pipe test:'));
// line brake
stateHistory.subscribe(x=> console.log());
// redo array, add redo options, no need to fireEventHandler
stateHistory.timeLine.future = [5, 6, 7];
// redo (after undo, or by timeLine.future);
// go back and trigger all subscribers.
console.log('stateHistory.timeLine - past-future', stateHistory.timeLine);
JS ValueTimeLine Simple
const { ValueTimeLineSimple } = require('undo-redo-helper');
// if not undefined => add as first value (last undo is always undefined).
// value 0
let stateHistory = new ValueTimeLineSimple(undefined);
// value 1
stateHistory.value = 1;
// will add undefined to history(in ctor undefined will not add)
stateHistory.value = undefined;
// undo array, add undo options 3, 4.
stateHistory.timeLine.past.push(...[3, 4]);
// timeLine change.
// timeLine.past change => value change.
console.log('timeLine.past change, value change',
// redo array, add redo options, no need to fireEventHandler
stateHistory.timeLine.future = [5, 6, 7];
// redo (after undo, or by timeLine.future);
console.log('timeLine.future + redo, value change',
// go back.
console.log('stateHistory.timeLine - past-future', stateHistory.value, stateHistory.timeLine);
JS ValueTimeLine Wrapper
const { ValueTimeLineWrapper } = require('undo-redo-helper');
const { getLog } = require('myy-common');
const { map } = require('rxjs/operators');
// if not undefined => add as first value (last undo is always undefined).
// trigger 0
let stateHistory = new ValueTimeLineWrapper(undefined, getLog('stateHistory.eventHandler init test:'));
// will trigger also on Ctor.
stateHistory._subscribe(getLog('stateHistory.eventHandler _subscribe test:'));
// line brake
stateHistory.subscribe(x => console.log());
// trigger 1
stateHistory.value = 1;
// will add undefined to history(in ctor undefined will not add)
stateHistory.value = undefined;
// trigger custom change.
stateHistory.fireEventHandler('my custom action', 2);
// not-trigger, undo array, add undo options 3, 4.
// to trigger 4 (last) use fireEventHandler
stateHistory.timeLine.past.push(...[3, 4]);
// timeLine change => no trigger.
// timeLine.past change => value change.
console.log('timeLine.past change, value change, no trigger',
// update Observable by past array, trigger 4 (last from timeLine.past).
// pipe source to make calced data.
stateHistory.e.pipe(map(x => 'last num is: ' + x))
.subscribe(getLog('stateHistory simple pipe test:'));
stateHistory._e.pipe(map(x => JSON.stringify(x)))
.subscribe(getLog('stateHistory complex pipe test:'));
// line brake
stateHistory.subscribe(x => console.log());
// redo array, add redo options, no need to fireEventHandler
stateHistory.timeLine.future = [5, 6, 7];
// redo (after undo, or by timeLine.future);
// go back and trigger all subscribers.
console.log('stateHistory.timeLine - past-future', stateHistory.timeLine);