Ultimately configurable extend function can be used as always or in any other way you need. Even in objects deep promise iterations.
Extends target with other object's properties. Works like 'extend' module, but has several updates:
- First argument can be of type Boolean and also UltimateExtend.config ( defines how extend works )
- If objects to extend from are Promises or contain promises in properties you can use Extend.promise instead of Extend. Then it will return promise of Extended object.
# version 2.x ( alpha )
npm install ultimate-extend --save
# version 1.x ( stable )
npm install [email protected] --save
OLD Readme v1.0.1 - for v2.x see tests TODO: Update this ReadMe
// UltimateExtend( [{config|Boolean,ExtendConfig}, ]{target|Object,Function}, ...{options|Object,Function} ) => {Object}
// UltimateExtend.outer( [{config|Boolean,ExtendConfig}, ] ...{options|Object,Function} ) => {Object}
// UltimateExtend.promise( [{config|Boolean,ExtendConfig}, ]{target|Object,Function}, ...{options|Object,Function} ) => {Promise{Object}}
// UltimateExtend.config( {config|Object} ) => {ExtendConfig}
/* --------------------------------- Extend --------------------------------- */
var Extend = require( 'ultimate-extend' );
/* ------------ Simple usage ------------- */
var target = {},
a = { a: { a: [ '1' ] } },
b = { a: { a: [ 2 ], b: 2 } };
Extend( true, target, a, b ); // working as expected
console.log( target ); // => { a: { a: [ 2 ], b: 2 } }
/* ------------ Advanced usage ------------- */
var config = Extend.config({
// if true: deeper objects will be extended too
deep: true,
// if true: allows to extend object with itself ( careful here )
extendSelf: false,
// by default returns property from object to extend from by name
// you can set some special conditions
// e.g. to extend only from all properties with name beginning with underscore, like '_test':
// getOption: ( options, name, config, target ) => {
// if ( name.match( /^_/ )
// || options[ name ] && typeof options[ name ] === 'object'
// ) {
// return options[ name ];
// }
// // undefined must be returned to prevent property extension
// }
// config to extend properties with similar types
extendSimilar: {
Array: ( first, second, config, name ) => first.concat( second )
// Object: ( first, second, config, originMethod ) => ...
// Function: ( first, second, config, originMethod ) => ...
// ... any other type beginning with capital letter ( see 'get-explicit-type' module )
// - replacement occures only when both first and second are having the same type
// - first - target's property
// - second - some object's property ( to extend from )
// - config - current config object
// - config.callOrigin( first, second ) - executes same method from parent config
// - config.newConfig() - creates new ExtendConfig using current one as parent
// - config.level - current deep extend recursion level ( default - 0 )
// - name - current extending property name
// executes when first and second properties have different types
// Default( first, second, config, name ) { return newTargetProp }
// returns parent config object ( can not be overwritten )
// getParentConfig()
// base handler to extend first with second ( better not override it )
// use it in extendSimilar if you might receive new value type to extend it as needed by config
// e.g. extendSimilar: {
// // here first and second functions can return any type
// Function: ( first, second, config ) => config.extendProp( first(), second(), config )
// }
// extendProp: ( first, second, config ) => {}
// also you can define extend method which will be used on deeper properties
// so if deep is true then config.extend will handle next deeper extend iterations
// Experimental ( not tested )
// extend: Extend || Extend.promise || YourFunc
var target = {}; // renew target; a, b are taken from example above
Extend( config, target, a, b ); // now all arrays are concatenated instead of extending
console.log( target ); // => { a: { a: [ '1', 2 ], b: 2 } }
/* --------------------------------- Extend.promise --------------------------------- */
var Extend = require( 'ultimate-extend' );
var target = {},
a = { a: { a: Promise.resolve( [ '1' ] ) } },
b = { a: { a: [ 2 ], b: new Promise( resolve => setTimeout( () => resolve( 2 ), 500 ) ) } };
Extend.promise( true, target, a, b )
.then( () => {
console.log( target ); // => { a: { a: [ 2 ], b: 2 } }
/* --------------------------------- Extend.outer --------------------------------- */
// Extend.outer extends two variables as if they were in extending objects
var Extend = require( 'ultimate-extend' );
var config = Extend.config({
Array: ( first, second ) => first.concat( second ),
Default( first, second, config, name ) {
if ( !first ) return config.callOrigin( first, second, config, name );
if ( !Array.isArray( first ) ) first = [ first ];
if ( !Array.isArray( second ) ) second = [ second ];
return config.extendProp( first, second, config );
var a = [ 0, 1 ],
b = 2;
Extend.outer( config, a, b ) => [ 0, 1, 2 ]
( Extend( config, {}, { outer: a }, { outer: b } ) ).outer => [ 0, 1, 2 ]
/* --------------------------------- Extend.config --------------------------------- */
// Extend.config can be produced from other configs using config.newConfig( configObj )
// to execute method from origin ( parent ) config use config.callOrigin( ...{ same arguments } )
// config.callOrigin() - here 3rd argument will always be replaced with config which called this method
var Extend = require( 'ultimate-extend' );
var config = Extend.config({
Default: ( first, second, config, name ) => {
return second + 1;
var newConfig = config.newConfig({
Default: ( first, second, config, name ) => {
return config.callOrigin( first, second, config, name ) + 2;
console.log( Extend( newConfig, {}, { a: 1 } ) ); // { a: 4 }