Framework for building UI elements programmatically using JavaScript.
Framework for building UI elements programmatically using JavaScript.
🏠 UIJS-KIT Homepage
Are you a JavaScript developer and want to create UI elements quickly with a consistent Bootstrap code? Take a look at UIJS-KIT
. Out of the box, it provides functions to generate UI element. For example:
function creates the HTML code for<input type="text" .../>
and provides thelabel
tag for the input field. All is encapsulated with a.form-group
.- functions for popular input UI elements: checkboxes, boolean, color, radio, select, textarea, color, time, url, date, datetime, datetime-local, or week.
- quick indicator for required fields: a trailing asterisk (*) in the label field.
- options field allows you to specify custom name and id attributes. You can also add additional properties and use them in field type templates.
npm install uijs-kit
const {textField, colorField} = require('uijs-kit')
let fields = [
textField('First name'), // optional. Label, name, and id properties derived from text parameter
textField('Last name*'), // required (see trailing asterisk). Label, name, required, and id properties derived from text parameter
colorField('Background color', {name: 'bg-color'}), // optional. Label derived from text parameter, name and id specified in name property
let values = {}
let renderedFields = fields.map(field => field.render(values))
SelectField: field with choices
const {selectField} = require('uijs-kit');
// choices as array of objects with label and value properties
let choices = ["Choice 1", "Choice 2"].map((label, value) => {
return {
value: `${value}`
// generate the selectField and pass the choices
let f = selectField('Select', choices);
let values = {select: '1'}; // a record storing values for fields
let html = f.render(values);
// <div class="form-group" id="select-group">
// <label for="select">Select:</label>
// <select name="select" id="select" class="form-control">
// <option value="0">Choice 1</option>
// <option value="1" selected="selected">Choice 2</option>
// </select>
// </div>
See api.md for API documentation.
Run tests
npm run test
- [x] UiField descendant (UiFieldWithFields) to handle collection of fields
- [x] UiFormField class to generate form
- [x] Update shortcut functions code documentation: type, default param values, return type.
- [ ] Create documentation site with Docusaurus, outlined with Skelosaurus. Store it at Github pages for this repository
- [ ] Create button Ui classes and shortcut functions (e.g UiButton, UiSubmit, UiReset)
- [ ] Extend formField function to add submit and reset buttons.
👤 Ion Gireada
- Github: @ioncakephper
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
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📝 License
Copyright © 2023 Ion Gireada. This project is MIT licensed.