UI5FlowDev enables you to manage and run your UI5 applications on a local server with reverse-proxy support. It also provides you the option to build your applications and deploy them to SAP NetWeaver ABAP.
UI5FlowDev enables you to manage and run your UI5 applications on a local server with reverse-proxy support. It also provides you the option to build your applications and deploy them to SAP NetWeaver ABAP.
Release notes
- added support for S/4HANA based ADT
- option to assign tags to application for simpler organization and search
- various minor bug fixes
UI5FlowDev should be installled globally.
$ npm install ui5flowdev --global
UI5FlowDev requires Node.js v6+ to run.
UI5FlowDev start
Open your console and type
$ ui5flow
This command will start the server on HTTP port you defined in the initial setup and automatically open browser with UI5FlowDev application.
In case of first start, simple configuration wizard is started. You have to specify the server port and where you want to store your UI5FlowDev development artifacts.
UI5FlowDev stop
Ctrl+C in your console and confirm process termiantion with 'Y'.
User guide
Applications list
Applications list displays all your applications registered in UI5FlowDev.
Add application
- In the lower-right corner of the Applications list click the Add button.
- Type Name and Description of your application.
- Click the Save button in the lower-right corner of the dialog window.
After successful save you will be automatically redirected to your Application details.
Add application artifacts
With the application created you can copy your development resources to the root folder of your application.
By clicking the the Resources path a path to the root folder will be stored in clipboard so you can just simply do cd > paste to this directory on your local machine.
You should copy your custom UI5 application resources into this folder.
Change application properties
- Select application in the Applications list to display the details.
- Select Properties tab. 3. Click the Change button in the lower-right corner.
- You can change Local URL, Display name and Description.
- Local URL is URL to your index.html file of your UI5 application. You might need to change this URL in case your index.html file is stored in any subfolder (e.g. webapp).
- Display name is an application name suitable for display purpose and used as a default application name. *Description is description of the application. It should contain a brief description of the functionalities, purpose, etc.
Delete application
.Select application in the Applications list to display the details. 2. Select Settings tab. 3 lick the Delete button and follow the instructions in the confirmation dialog. 4.Cick the Delete button in the lower-right corner of the confirmation dialog. Your application will be deleted and you`ll be redirected to the Applications list.
Deletion of application will delete the application and all the objects related to the application (Versions, Service proxies). Deletion of application cannot be undone.
Create service proxy
- Click the Settings menu button in the top-right corner.
- eect Service Proxies.
- Click the Add button in the lower-right corner of the Service proxies dialog.
- Tp Description of the service proxy.
- Inte definition part of service proxy provide following inputs:
Target host of your webservice
Example: In following service URL
is target hosthttps://api.foo.com
._Pat_defines the context of your service.
Example: In following service URL
is path/service/do/something
.In the Service path input type the path to your webservice.
Path rewrite provides an option to replace any part of the Service path with an alternative path which might be necessary to access the service. This is suitable in cases where you have your webservices defined in your manifest.json file (or any other setup file) and you don`t want to make changes in your application source code to enable access of your webservices from the UI5Flow platform.
xme: In the manifest.json you have defined webservices running on SAP HANA XS system which are accessible through a SAP SCP based destination. The webservice URL on SAP SCP is e.g.
. In case you want to access this specific webservice directly on your SAP HANA XS system from the UI5Flow platform with URLhttps://mysaphanainstance.ondemand.com/my-service/do/something?query-param=value
you have to type following inputs:
Service path:/destinations/my-service-destination/my-service/do/something?query-param=value
Service path transformation (origin):/destinations/my-service-destination
Service path transformation (taget): `` (leave empty)
Target host:https://mysaphanainstance.ondemand.com
Request headers should be used in case your service requires Basic authentication or any other header information.
- Clickte Save button in the lower-right corner of the dialog.
Service Proxy is created and displayed in the list of Service proxies. Created Service Proxy may be now used by any of your application added to the UI5FlowDev.
Create SAP system connection
- Click the Settings menu button in the top-right corner.
- Select SP Systems_.
- Click the Add button in the lower-right corner of the SAP Systems dialog.
- Type Deciption of the SAP System connection.
- Type Appiation server URL of the SAP System connection. E.g. https://yoursapserverhost.com
This URL should be accessible from your browser using a Basic authentication. Usually it points to a SAP Gateway system. To check if your access to the ADT services works try to access
. In case you cannot access the ADT services please review ICF settings on the SAP system. Better option how to check the access to your SAP system is using any REST client which gives you better control over HTTP request headers.
- BSP Application URL pattern is predefined URL pattern of your application on the SAP System. This pattern is used to generate links to your application on SAP system deployed from UI5FlowDev.
- Click the Save button in the lower-right corner of the dialog. SAP System connection is created and displayed in the list of SAP System connections. SAP System connection is used in the deployment process of your UI5 applications.
Create application version
- Select application in the Applications list to display the details.
- Select Versions tab.
- Click the Ceate_ button in the lower-right corner.
- Type Version name and Description of new version.
- Root direcoy enables you to select the right directory in the directory structure of your application for the application version. Generally the Root directory should contain
By clicking the Apply button without selecting any subdirectory, the root folder will be selected. Navigation between subdirectories and their parent is possible using the Selected root path breadcrumbs.
- UI5 Application build provides you an option to automatically generate the
Preconditiono successful generation of
file is the identification of Component path in theComponent.js
file has to be located in the selected Root directory. In case theComponent.js
file cannot be located or the Component path cannot be extracted from theComponent.js
file, there is an option to type the Component path manually.
- Click the Save button in the lower-right corner of the dialog.
Application version is created and displayed in the List of available application versions. Generated version is stored in the versions directory of your UI5FlowDev development artifacts structure.
Deploy versinto SAP ABAP Netweaver
- Select application in the Applications list to display the details.
- Select Versions tab.
- Select versionyu want to deploy.
- Click the SAP Deploy button in the lower-right corner.
- Select SAP System in the value help dialog.
If you haven`t defined SAP System yet, please proceed to chapter Create SAP system connection.
- Type your User and Password in the Authentication dialog. Use the user you use to login to the selected SAP System.
In case the login fails, please review your connection settings (VPN Connection, etc.)
- Choose if you want to deploy a new application or re-deploy an existing application.
In case of Re-deploy of existing application select your application from the BSP Application name value help dialog. In the Transport value help select a transport in which you want to store your objects after deploying to SAP System.
In case of Depo new application type BSP Application name and Description of the BSP application, select Package in the value help dialog and select Transport in the value help dialog.
Click the Deploy button in the lower-right corner.
Review the list of objects to be deployed to the SAP system.
Click the Deploy button in the lower-right corner.
After successful deployment check your BSP application on the SAP System. In the List of available application versions a message box with information about the deployment is displayed.