A command line tool for generating diff or merging two i18n for same language
A command line tool created using Node.js to find the diff between two i18n files or merge the changes to one
Getting Started/Installing
You can simply get the node module and install it globally to access it as a command line tool
npm install -g ui5-i18n-manage
Node.js should be available for the tool to work
How to use
Based on provided language code (default: "en"). input file names are created. e.g. If language code is pt then files will be i18n_pt.properties (initial) and i18n_pt_mod.properties (modified). Currently, the tools work in two different modes: diff and merge (default). diff mode can be selected using -m or --mode option. Following are the simplest use case for the tool
ui5-i18n-manage -i "C:\Users\user.name\development.project\i18n\"
The above example assumes other options default value:
- Language Code => en
- Operation mode => merge
- Output filename => i18n_en_final.properties
Following is an sample for diff mode
ui5-i18n-manage -m diff -i "C:\Users\user.name\development.project\i18n\" -l pt -o i18n_pt_diff.properties
To know about more properties of the tool. You can read the help in tool itself
ui5-i18n-manage -h
- Preetam Kajal Rout - Initial work - preetamkajalrout
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details