- npm install - bower install - typings install - tsd install
Start Development
1. run in root directory
- npm install
- bower install
- typings install
- tsd install
2. run in src/vendors/eazy-unit
- npm install
3. run in src/vendors/angular2-simple-modal
- typings install
4. run in dummy-server
npm install
Start dummy server: npm run start-dummy-server
Start dev server: npm start
Build: npm run build
5. Running in AWS cloud
Change in src/app/services/nexus-api-service/index.ts -API_ADDRESS to https and port 443 (commented in file) Change in src/app/services/nexus-websocket-service/index.ts -SOCKET_ADDRESS to wss and port 443 (commented in file)
You have access to the following sub generators:
- yo ng2-webpack:service (Creates a service)
- yo ng2-webpack:pipe (Creates a pipe)
- yo ng2-webpack:component (Creates a component)
- yo ng2-webpack:directive (Creates a directive)
- yo ng2-webpack:interface (Creates an interface)
You may prefer to use npm to run your sub-generators. For a complete list of available commands and to add tab auto-completion, run the following commands in a terminal:
$ npm completion >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ npm run <tab><tab>
which will produce the following output
build docs new-directive server webdriver-start
ci e2e new-interface start webdriver-update
clean e2e-live new-pipe test
clean-install lint new-service test-watch
clean-start new-component postinstall watch
This workflow serves as a starting point for building component based Angular 2.0 applications using Webpack.
- Heavily commented webpack configuration with reasonable defaults.
- ES6, and ES7 support with babel.
- Source maps included in all builds.
- Development server with live reload.
- Production builds with cache busting.
- Testing environment using karma to run tests and jasmine as the framework.
- Code coverage when tests are run.
- No gulp and no grunt, just npm scripts.
Warning: Make sure you're using the latest version of Node.js and NPM
Quick start
# change directory to your app
$ cd my-app
# start the server
$ npm start
go to http://localhost:2368 in your browser.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
File Structure
├── app/ * top level web app component folder
│ ├── components/ * subcomponents
│ │ ├── about/ * example page level component folder
│ │ │ ├── index.async.ts * .async indicates that the component will be asychronously loaded
│ │ │ ├── spec.ts * unit test
│ │ │ ├── style.scss * css styles, could be css, less or sass
│ │ │ └── template.html * component's html template
│ │ └── home/ * example main page level component
│ │ ├── e2e.js * end-to-end test for home
│ │ ├── index.ts * a simple synchronous component
│ │ ├── spec.ts *
│ │ ├── style.scss *
│ │ └── template.html *
│ ├── e2e.js * end-to-end test for the app component
│ ├── index.ts * the app component
│ ├── root.spec.ts * the main entry point for hierarchically nested tests.
│ ├── services/ * app level service folder
│ │ └── api/ * example application level service folder
│ │ ├── index.ts * example service
│ │ └── spec.ts * unit test associated with example service
│ ├── style.scss * application component specific styles
│ └── template.html * application component html template
├── bootstrap.ts * application entry point (bootstrap)
├── public/ * static public facing resources
│ ├── img/ * global/top level icons and images
│ └── index.html * the html index page where it all starts
├── shims/ * shims an polyfills for non-compliant browsers
│ └── shims_for_IE.js * sample shim
├── style/ *
│ └── app.scss * styles required by the index page
└── vendor.ts * this is where we import shims/polyfills and core third party libraries
What you need to run this app:
(Use NVM)- Ensure you're running Node (
+) and NPM (2.14.x
Running the app
After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app with:
npm start
It will start a local server using webpack-dev-server
which will watch, build (in-memory), and reload for you. The port will be displayed to you as http://localhost:2368
Build files
- single run:
npm run build
- build files and watch:
npm run watch
1. Unit Tests
- single run:
npm test
- live mode (TDD style):
npm run test-watch