Frontend library to generate user interface.
A small frontend library for quick generation and management of DOM structure blocks.
Main concept
The idea is in reusing predefined interface parts schemes for building instances of this parts. All data generated is stored in the objects and can be quickly got by reference.
Also objects that represents single DOM nodes has few very useful methods implements jQuery syntax.
Lets create classic tasks list: input field and adding button. User can input text in the field and add task by clicking button.
The tasks list interface:
name : 'Tasks list',
scheme : {
wrap : {
list : '|Task', // Task - is the name of UI that will be used as regular item of list.
toolbar : {
titleInput : '@input [type = text]',
addButton : '@button [type = button] (html = Add task)'
// Some parameters
parameters : {
width : 400,
height: 600
// Set interface appearance
styles : {
wrap : {
display: 'flex',
flexDirection : 'column',
margin: '40px auto',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
boxShadow : '0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)',
padding: '20px'
// And so on...
// Function that will be called on each instance creation
onrender : function(inst, params)
// Apply parameters.
width : params.width + 'px',
height : params.height + 'px'
// Add click event handler to the adding button
inst.addButton.on('click', function(){
var text = inst.titleInput.val().trim();
if(text === '') return;
var newItem = inst.list.addOne().load({title : text});
// Show sliding animation
// And empty input box
Then lets describe scheme of the single task record:
name : 'Task',
scheme : {
wrap : {
checkbox : {
chk : '@input [type = checkbox]',
box : '@div'
title : '@span',
deleteButton : "(html = ✕)"
// Additional rules
rules : {
checkbox : '@label'
// Again some styles...
styles : {
wrap : {
display: 'flex',
flexShrink: 0,
margin: '5px',
backgroundColor: '#f6f6f6'
// And so on...
// Lets set some manipulations with newly created instances.
onrender : function(inst)
// Add handler for deleting task.
inst.deleteButton.on('click', function(taskInst){
// Show collapsing animation.
height : 0,
opacity : 0,
marginTop : 0,
marginBottom : 0
}, 250, function(){taskInst.remove();});
Then lets we have some container node in which we want to render our interface:
<div id="container"></div>
Now we can render our tasks list:
var TasksList = UI('Tasks list').renderTo('#container', {width : 600, height : 400});
Also this lib can a lot:
- Gathering forms (and not only forms)
- Animating functions
- Extensions support
- UI extending functionality
- Data providers (basic generator, ajax, WebSocket)
- Loading data to the elements or whole instance structures from given data or data providers.
- Common UI solutions such as tabs, spinner, dropdowns, dragging.
- Themes (with CSS regeneration on the fly)
- Validation (will be implemented later)
More documentation will be ready soon. Enjoy :)