the useful html compiler
UHC, the useful html compiler, for when you don't need a javascript framework.
- html components.
<import path="./component.html" foo="bar" />
- variables.
<p>hello ${foo}</p>
- conditional flow & loops.
- basic html routing.
- minimal configration needed.
- sass, postcss and html-minifier support by default.
- compiles to raw html.
- and much much more!
- install uhc globally
npm install uhc -g
- start a new project
- use a skeleton uhc app.
uhc init app_name
- or start from scratch with -g to generate uhc.config.json
- run
to compile. - run
uhc dev
to start dev mode
plz create an issue to report any bugs or recommend us features we should add.
thank you for using uhc
- use
uhc -g
to generate uhc.config.json. - by default uhc will look for uhc.config.json in current working directory.
to pass a custom path. - all other paths in uhc.config.json should be relative to src and build dir accordingly.
- an example uhc.config.json
"uhc": "<uhc_version>",
"src_dir": "src",
"build_dir": "public",
"template": "template.html",
"minify": true,
"css": {
"autoprefix": true,
"prefix": "@import \"./global.scss\";",
"sass": true
"vars": {
"foo": "bar"
"routes": {
"/": "index.html"
- uhc uses html-minifier to minify output html files.
- you can pass your own html minifier options. for example
"minify": {
"minifyCSS": false
- you can pass options to sass in the same way.
- you can load environment variables with dotenv by setting load property. these will be avaliable as variables.
"load": ["key1","key2"]
- some functions can be disabled by setting property to false.
| functions | property | | -------------------- | --------- | | variables | vars | | if statments & loops | statments | | comments | comments | | html minifier | minify |
| option | function | | ------ | -------------------------- | | h | help | | g | generate uhc.config.json | | c | load custion config file | | w | watch path | | v | show dependencies verisons |
- run
uhc init
to create a skeleton uhc app. - by default it creates a project named uhc-app, run
uhc init <name>
to pass a name.
- run
uhc dev
and see your site on localhost:8080, uhc will also watch for file changes (using chokidar) in src directory and will recompile and reload the browser (using live-server) on changes. - PORT can be passed as environment variable.
Component format
- stylesheets added using link tag are not compiled.
- load path for sass is the index file.
- an example component
// css or sass styles
main {
color: red;
<p>some text</p>
<import path="some other component" />
- import component using import tag.
<import path="./component" />
- import svg using type attribute.
- the imported svg can be styled from the parent component.
- you can pass attributes to svg from th import tag.
- in this example, svg will get a id attribute.
<import path="./logo.svg" type="svg" id="logo" />
- variables can be used by
syntax. ${}
can perform javascript.
<p>hello ${ foo + "something" }</p>
- vars can be globally declared from uhc.config.json.
- setting vars to false will disable vars.
"vars": {
"foo": "bar"
- vars can be passed to component from import tag.
- components inherit vars from thier parents.
<import path="./component" foo="bar" />
Conditional Flow
syntax become an if statment if input is a boolean.
(10 == n) {
<p>hello world</p>
- else if / else are not supported yet. coming soon.
syntax becomes an loop if input is a number.
(n) {
<p>hello world</p>
- Routes are used to compile diffrent html files.
"routes": {
"/": "index.html",
"project": {
"/": "project.html",
"table": "table.html"
"settings": "settings.html"
| url | html | | ------------------------------ | ------------- | | website.com/ | index.html | | website.com/project/ | project.html | | website.com/project/table.html | table.html | | website.com/settings.html | settings.html |
- Directory structure it creates.
├── index.html
├── project
│ ├── index.html
│ └── table.html
└── settings.html
- template are used share code across diffrent routes.
- templates must have a body and head tag where compiled code is injected.
- templates itself will not be compiled.
- compiled code will replace %head% & %body% respectively.
- an example template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="icon" href="./icon.png" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./global.css" />