registry for microfront-end elements - supportive package for customizing milung/ufe-controller containers
Registry of microfrontend's elements and apps
This module is a supportive module for customization and reflection of the web components registered at the milung/ufe-controller kubernetes controller.
Once the application shell of the ufe-controller is loaded into browser, the UfeRegistry
instance can be used to retrieve which
application web-components, modules, and context elements are registered
in the kubernetes cluster. The UfeRegistry
may be used to replace the default application shell or to create custom web-components that will display other context specific elements.
npm i --save ufe-registry
Creating custom list of navigable elements and placeholder for displaying the current app, using Stencil JS framework
import { Component, Host, h, State, Prop } from '@stencil/core'; import { Router } from 'stencil-router-v2'; import { getUfeRegistryAsync, UfeRegistry} from "ufe-registry" @Component({ tag: 'my-shell', styleUrl: 'my-shell.css', shadow: true, }) export class MyShell { @Prop() router: Router; // use subrouter if your app is hosted in another web-component ufeRegistry: UfeRegistry; async componentWillLoad() { this.ufeRegistry = await getUfeRegistryAsync() // wait for UfeRegistry being available } render() { const apps = this.ufeRegistry.navigableApps() // get list of applications registered in cluster <my-shell> <navigation-panel> <tabs> {apps.map( app => { const active = false (<app-tab label={app.title} {...this.ufeRegistry.href(app.path, this.router || this.ufeRegistry.router)} active={app.isActive} ></app-tab> )})} </tabs> </navigation-panel> <ufe-app-router></ufe-app-router> // shows the webcomponent of the currently active app </my-shell> }
Rendering the context elements of the named context
:render() { const functions = this.ufeRegistry.contextElements("my-context", this.selector) return ( <Host> <my-custom-element> {functions.map(e => this.ufeRegistry.loadAndRenderElement(e, {"slot": "menu"}))} // other content <my-custom-element> </Host> ) }