This widget can be used to customize bursting particles effects on buttons.
Button Particles
This widget can be used to customize bursting particles effects on buttons.
Udesly Styler general settings can be checked following this link
Widget Options Panel
In this panel you can customize the widget parameters. There are two main tabs:
Particle Effects: control all the features of the effect.
- Canvas Padding: it's the padding of the generated canvas that will be placed right behind the target element. A canvasPadding= zero will cause the canvas and the target element to have the same dimensions.
- Duration: duration (ms) to perform the animations of target element and particles.
- Particles Amount Coefficient: a coefficient to calculate the amount of particles to animate.
- Oscillation Coefficient: a coefficient to calculate the oscillation of particles while animating. A value at zero will result in no oscillation (straight movements), while bigger values will increase the oscillation, resulting in a kind of randomness.
- Easing: easing function to perform the animation of the target element.
- Type: Type of particle. Could be any of the following values: circle, rectangle, triangle.
- Style: Style of particle. Could be any of the following values: fill, stroke.
- Direction: direction to perform the animations of target element and particles.
Button Action: control the action on the button.
- Action: action requested by clicking on the button (open link in the current or another tab or form submit).
- Url: insert here the url to which point by clicking on the button.
- Form ID: insert here the Form ID and connect it to the button.
- Button Text: insert here the text contained into the button.