Bring the GoogleMaps PRO widget to your Webflow site and enable Google Maps features in it. ### How to enable Google Maps API Key First of all, you need to create and enable a Google Maps API Key. Please follow this [guide](https://developers.google.co
Google Maps PRO
Bring the GoogleMaps PRO widget to your Webflow site and enable Google Maps features in it.
How to enable Google Maps API Key
First of all, you need to create and enable a Google Maps API Key. Please follow this guide.
Widgets Options Panel
Google Maps API Key Insert here the API Key you have generated following the guide above.
Default Location This panel allows to insert default latitude and longitude you want the map to start with.
Default Zoom This panel allows to insert default zoom you want the map to start with.
Transit Layer You can enable or disable the live display of public transport.
Traffic Layer You can enable or disable the live display of the traffic status.
Controls It's a list of simple controls you can add to your map, such as the map type, the zoom control, the Street View mode and so on.
Markers Click on + icon. Here you can customize the marker on your map. Feel free to customize the title, the description, the image of your marker. Also, it's the place in which insert the coordinates of the marker itself. You can insert as many markers as you want and customize them differently from each other.
Very Important
Remember to have an active API Key before proceeding with the widget utilization. Without it, not only the Map won't work but you won't even be able to see custom edits.
In case you need to change the API Key, refresh the page to display changes.