express req.body validator
a smart express req.body validator
#Install Install the library with npm install ucheck
var uCheck = require('ucheck');
#Basic Usage
var x = [
param: 'person.username',
label: 'Username',
required: true,
type: 'string',
length: { min: 3 , max: 16},
regex: /^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$/
param: 'person.password',
label: 'Password',
required: true,
type: 'string',
length: { min:6, max: 20},
regex: /^[a-z0-9_-]{6,20}$/
param: 'teamname',
label: 'Team Name',
required: true,
type: 'string',
length: {min: 3, max: 16},
regex: /^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$/
param: 'teamsecret',
label: 'Team Secret',
required: true,
type: 'string',
length: {min: 15, max: 30},
regex: /^[a-z0-9_-]{15,30}$/
//create instance and pass the array x to be validated
let ucheck = new uCheck.validate(req).scenario(x);
//returns true if there were any validation errors
//returns human readable error messages
res.status(400).send({error: ucheck.getErrors()});
return false;
} else {
//validation is OK!
//do something
example of a returned error array
"msg":"invalid format",
"msg":"invalid format",
"msg":"invalid format",
"label":"Team Secret"
"msg":"invalid length 8 to 12 characters required",
"msg":"invalid length 7 to 15 characters required",
"label":"Team Secret"
#Validationg Options
- param {string}: the name of the param in req.body
//pass the name of the param in req.body
param: 'name'
//nested objects can be reached using
param: 'person.name'
- label {string}: how the param will appear in error messages
param: 'teamname'
label: 'Team Name' // will be shown in error message
- required {boolean}: check the presence of the param & will push error if not exists
param: "email",
label: "Email"
required: true // or false
- type {string}: check the type of param
param: "companyName",
label: "Company Name"
type: "string" // or number|boolean|array|object
param: "list",
label: "Todo List"
type: "array" // or number|boolean|string|object
- length {object} : check the length of the param
param: "title",
label: "Message Title",
length: { min:12, max: 24} // error if value < min OR value > max
- regex {regex}: test the param aganist regex
param: "link",
lable: "linkedin URL",
regex: /^(https?:\/\/)?([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?$/
//can also pass string
param: "link",
lable: "linkedin URL",
regex: "^(https?:\\/\\/)?([\\da-z\\.-]+)\\.([a-z\\.]{2,6})([\\/\\w \\.-]*)*\\/?$"
- oneOf {[array of strings]}
param: "gender",
label: "Gender",
oneOf: ["male", "female", "other"]
- canParse {[array of strings]}
param: "money",
label: "Cash",
canParse: "int"
param: "money",
label: "Cash",
canParse: "float"
param: "daet",
label: "submit date",
canParse: "date"
- validate: accepts express req object parsed with body parser
- scenario: validates the validation array and updated hasError & getErrors with results
- hasError: return boolean
- getErrors: returns error array
- setMsgs: accepts key & value objects to override default error messages
#Use Custom Error Messages - useing setMsgs()
let ucheck = new uCheck.validate(req).setMsgs(
"missingParam": "خطأ لم يتم العثور",
"invalidLength":"invalid length",
"missingOpts":"Missing Options"
#Current Supported Error Keys
- "missingParam": triggered when a param not found
- "invalidFormat" : triggered when regex fail
- "invalidLength" : when length is not correct
- "missingOpts": when options are missing