Uber browser api reverse engineered
Ubering ( Uber Hack ) - bowser and mobile api reverse engineered
Uber's browser API endpoints HACK - reverse engineered Uber API endpoints and usefull commands
- Uses browser credentials (No needs to register in the uber's developer portal!!!)
Tamnil Saito Junior [email protected]
WARNING!!!: Misuse can leak your personal data and some bad behaviors in UBER's app
Novices please keep out!!!
This is a reverse engineered endpoint's hack and it's not based on oficial api!!! Can be deprecated or blocked by UBER without advice
based on browser's API endpoint behavior to get info about uber locations and taxes.
Available Functions:
- getFareEstimates(origin, destination)
- locationAutocomplete(location)
- getLocationDetails(locationId,provider="google_maps")
- getStatus( , [uuid,latitude=0,longitude=0])
- getAppData()
- getNavigation(pickupLocation,destination)
secondary functions
- getUUID()
instal as dependency: "npm install ubering" or clone from https://github.com/tamnil/ubering
copy .env.sample to .env or set environment variables:
.env file: UBER_COOKIE_SID= UBER_COOKIE_CSID= *nix enviroment vars: export UBER_COOKIE_SID= export UBER_COOKIE_CSID=
windows : https://superuser.com/questions/949560/how-do-i-set-system-environment-variables-in-windows-10
How to get these values ( CSID, SID ):
log into uber (https://www.uber.com/) and open devTools
you can get the sid and csid in application->cookie tab or typing "document.cookie" in console tab
- clone repository from github https://github.com/tamnil/ubering
- install and set up "sid" and "csid" enviroment variables
- run npm install
- run "jest" or "npm test"
You may have some CORS issues.
some sketeches for dev propouses
https://riders.uber.com/api/getTripsForClient --data-binary '{"limit":10,"offset":"0","range":{"fromTime":null,"toTime":null},"tenancy":"uber/production"}'