Quickly throw together generators. params > templates > output;
Quickly throw together generators. params > templates > output;
Basic Usage
npm install -g ubergen
- Create your config file
// ubergen.config.js
module.exports = {
generators: []
- Add a generator
// Templates are just functions that return the template string.
const template = (params) => {
return `
function ${name} () {
return 'Hello I am a function called: ${name}'
module.exports = {
generators: [
name: 'moduleIndex',
template: template,
path: '{{ name }}/index.js', // paths are interpolated with params
required: [
'name' // can put required params here, if the user forgets to supply them then will throw an error
- Run your generator (default output is relative your current working directory.)
ubergen moduleIndex name=Hello
Advanced usage
Generators can be composed together to generate entire directories or multiple files in one command.
module.exports = {
generators: [
name: 'moduleIndex',
template: moduleIndexTemplate,
path: 'index.js',
required: [
'name' // can put required params here, if the user forgets to supply them then will throw an error
name: 'spec',
template: specFileTemplate,
path: 'index.spec.js',
name: 'composedGenerator',
path: 'module', // this composed generators will write their files relative to this path
composes: [ // eg. moduleIndex will be written to module/index.js
Composed generators are called the same way as other generators. Any parameters that the "child" generators require will also be required for the composed generator:
ubergen composedGenerator name=myModule
Reuse, namespacing & toplevel generators
The examples we've covered above are all examples of "subgenerators". A toplevel (parent) generator groups its generators under a common namespace.
// ubergen.config.js
ReactReduxGenerator = require('./react-redux-ubergen');
module.exports = {
generators: [
// top level generator
componentPath: 'src/components',
reducerPath: 'src/reducers'
// react-redux-ubergen.js
const templates = require('./templates');
module.exports = function ReactReduxGenerator(options) {
return {
name: 'reactRedux', // required
generators: [
name: 'reducer',
template: templates.reducer,
path: `${options.reducerPath}/{{ name }}`,
params: [
name: 'component',
template: templates.component,
path: `${options.componentPath}/{{ name }}`,
params: [
To call a subgenerator you have to provide the top level generator's namespace, e.g:
ubergen reactRedux:component name=NavBar
Programmatic use
const Generator = require('ubergen');
const generator = Generator(config);
const name = "mygenerator";
const params = {
name: 'hello'
const rootPath = '/User/Me/project';
// run a subgenerator
generator.run(name, params, rootPath);