TypeScript Services commandline server
(if you are upgrading from an older version, see CHANGES.txt)
typescript-tools (v0.2) provides access to the TypeScript Language Services (v0.9) via a simple commandline server (tss). This makes it easy to build editor plugins supporting TypeScript. A Vim plugin (typescript_tss.vim
) is included. If you build plugins for other editors/IDEs based on typescript-tools, please let me know, or better: announce them on our new project mailing list.
- Vim plugin: included in this repo (see below for list of features)
- Emacs plugin: https://github.com/aki2o/emacs-tss
- Sublime plugin: https://github.com/Railk/T3S
There is now a project mailing list: [email protected]
I expect our mailing list to be low volume, carrying announcements, calls for help/collaboration and discussions related to typescript-tools and plugins based on it. For reporting bugs in typescript-tools itself (server or vim plugin), please use our issue tracker instead.
npm installation goes somewhat like this - via github:
# install git and node/npm, then
$ git clone git://github.com/clausreinke/typescript-tools.git
$ cd typescript-tools/
$ npm install -g
or via the npm registry:
$ npm install -g typescript-tools
The installation should give you a global tss
command, which you can use directly, as in this sample session (note the absolute paths, which will differ in your installation):
$ tss tests/test.ts
"loaded c:/javascript/typescript/0.9/typescript-tools/tests/test.ts, TSS listening.."
type 4 2 c:/javascript/typescript/0.9/typescript-tools/tests/test.ts
{"memberName":{"prefix":"{ ","suffix":"}","delim":"; ","entries":[{"prefix":"a: ","suffix":"","delim":"","entries":[{"prefix":"number","suffix":"","delim":"","entries":[{"prefix":"","suffix":"","delim":"","entries":[]}]}]},{"prefix":"b: ","suffix":"","delim":"","entries":[{"prefix":"number","suffix":"","delim":"","entries":[{"prefix":"","suffix":"","delim":"","entries":[]}]}]}]},"docComment":"","fullSymbolName":"x","kind":"var","minChar":41,"limChar":42,"type":"{ a: number; b: number; }"}
> definition 4 2 c:/javascript/typescript/0.9/typescript-tools/tests/test.ts
> completions true 4 4 c:/javascript/typescript/0.9/typescript-tools/tests/test.ts
"TSS closing"
If you want to use tss from Vim, add the typescript-tools
directory to your Vim's rtp
. If you want to use this from other editors/IDEs, you will need to write some code, to communicate with tss
as an asynchronous subprocess (please let me know how it goes, especially if you release a working plugin).
From-source compilation should not be necessary, as a pre-compiled bin/tss.js
is included, as well as a bin/lib.d.ts
. You might want to modify bin/defaultLibs.d.ts
, if you want other declaration files included by default.
If you do want to compile from source, you need the typescript sources (I used the develop branch, see CHANGES.txt
for details):
# install git and node/npm, then
$ git clone https://git01.codeplex.com/typescript
$ git clone git://github.com/clausreinke/typescript-tools.git
$ (cd typescript; git checkout develop)
$ node typescript/bin/tsc.js typescript-tools/tss.ts -target es5 -out typescript-tools/bin/tss.js
TypeScript tools currently available:
tss.ts: TypeScript Services Server
Simple commandline interface (commands in, info out) to TypeScript Services. Currently supported commands (with indication of purpose and output format) include:
type <line> <pos> <file>
// get type information
{ type: string
, docComment: string
definition <line> <pos> <file>
// get location of definition
{ file: string
, min: { line: number, character: number }
, lim: { line: number, character: number }
completions (true|false) <line> <pos> <file>
// get member/non-member completions
{ entries: [{name: string, type?: string, docComment?: string}, ...]
completions-brief (true|false) <line> <pos> <file>
// get member/non-member completions without type/docComment details
{ entries: [{name: string}, ...]
references <line> <pos> <file>
// get references
[{ file: string
, min: { line: number, character: number }
, lim: { line: number, character: number }
update (nocheck)? <linecount> <file> // followed by linecount lines of source text
// provide current source, if there are unsaved changes
"updated <file>, (<syntax>/<semantics>) errors"
or (probably not a good idea to use this)
"added <file>, (<syntax>/<semantics>) errors"
// reload current project (chasing dependencies from <rootfile>)
"reloaded <rootfile>, TSS listening.."
// list files in current project
structure <file>
// list quick navigation items for <file>; experimental
// (currently, this exposes getScriptLexicalStructure data directly)
[{ file: string
, min: { line: number, character: number }
, lim: { line: number, character: number }
, loc: <data returned from services>
// show compilation errors for current project
[{file: string
,start: {line: number, character: number}
,end: {line: number, character: number}
,text: string
,phase: string
,category: string
, ...
// quit tss
"TSS closing"
Start tss
with project root file - may take several seconds to load
all dependencies; then enter commands and get JSON info or error messages
(NOTE: commands take absolute file paths, adjust example to your installation);
for a sample session, see tests/
(commands in test.script
, output in script.out
vim interface to tss.js
Needs Vim 7.3 (plus Python 2.7 with json lib): this repo includes a Vim filetype plugin
for the typescript
filetype, so just add the path to the repo to your Vim's
runtime path and enable filetype plugins.
filetype plugin on
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ts setlocal filetype=typescript
set rtp+=<your_path_here>/typescript-tools/
If you want to use the npm-installed package path for typescript-tools
instead of
your local git repo path, this npm command should tell you the installed
package path:
npm ls -sg --parseable typescript-tools
Currently assumes that node is in path and that tss has been npm-installed globally.
See top of file ftplugin/typescript_tss.vim
for configuration options.
In practice, you'll use :TSSstarthere
, :TSSend
, :TSSreload
, TSStype
, TSSdef*
as well as CTRL-X CTRL-O for insert mode completion. Sometimes, calling :TSSshowErrors
directly can give enough error information for the current file -- eventually,
you'll probably have to call :TSSreload
to account for changes in dependencies.
Vim plugin usage tips
- the plugin collaborates with a tss server running in the background (via python and nodejs)
- the tss server will pick up source file dependencies (via import and references)
- start the tss server while editing your main source file (or your main reference file), by issueing
- now you can use the other commands (or
, to get rid of the background server), even while opening TS sources from the same project in different windows or tabs (but in the same Vim instance)
Vim plugin commands
" echo symbol/type of item under cursor
command! TSSsymbol
command! TSStype
" browse url for ES5 global property/method under cursor
command! TSSbrowse
" jump to definition of item under cursor
command! TSSdef
command! TSSdefpreview
command! TSSdefsplit
command! TSSdeftab
" create location list for references
command! TSSreferences
" navigation menu for current file structure
command! TSSstructure
" update TSS with current file source
command! TSSupdate
" show TSS errors, with updated current file
command! TSSshowErrors
" for use as balloonexpr, symbol under mouse pointer
" set balloonexpr=TSSballoon()
" set ballooneval
function! TSSballoon()
" completions
function! TSScompleteFunc(findstart,base)
" open project file, with filename completion
command! -complete=customlist,TSSfile -nargs=1 TSSfile
" show project file list in preview window
command! TSSfiles
" navigate to project file via popup menu
command! TSSfilesMenu echo TSSfilesMenu('show')
" reload project sources - will ask you to save modified buffers first
command! TSSreload
" start typescript service process (asynchronously, via python)
command! -nargs=1 TSSstart
command! TSSstarthere
" pass a command to typescript service, get answer
command! -nargs=1 TSScmd call TSScmd(<f-args>,{})
" check typescript service
" (None: still running; <num>: exit status)
command! TSSstatus
" stop typescript service
command! TSSend
" sample keymap
" (highjacking some keys otherwise used for tags,
" since we support jump to definition directly)
function! TSSkeymap()