A starter project for creating your typescript library
This starter project will standardize coding and publishing for your library, and implements following features:
- :school_satchel: Include all packages for coding, linting, testing and building
- :art: Compile sass to css using node-sass, autoprefixer and postcss
- :inbox_tray: Build library to UMD and CommonJS modules
- :blue_book: Generate API documentation of your TypeScript files automatically
- :heavy_check_mark: Check your commit message when
git commit ...
- :cl: Default CI scripts for GitHub Action, includes release and publish automatically
- :bookmark: Generate CHANGELOG.md according to your commits in CI publishing process
- :book: Publish your unit tests report to coveralls.io by CI
- :earth_asia: Publish API documentation, converage, demo and changelog to your gh-pages branch as your project site by CI
- :package: Release to NPM and GitHub Package automatically by CI
Start your library
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/bndynet/typescript-lib-starter.git <your-location> --depth 1
Initialize your library:
npm i && npm run init
and type your package informationsNow, you can code your library and bellow commands to start your work:
npm start npm run lint npm run build npm run docs npm run test npm run test:watch npm run precommit
Commit your changes and push them to your REPO.
Commit Message Guidelines
All commit message MUST follow https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit
Format as:
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
Note: The <type> can be found in ./commitlint.config.js file.
GitHub Action
Add NPM_TOKEN in your repo -> Settings -> Secrets
Travis CI Integration (Deprecated)
The below steps will guide you to use Travis CI to document, release and report automatically.
- Use GitHub account to log in Travis CI, sync repos and enable your repo
- Set tokens(GH_TOKEN and NPM_TOKEN that can be generated at GitHub and npmjs.com) in Travis CI repo to allow to release to NPM and generate gh-pages
- Use GitHub account to log in coveralls.io, sync repos and enable your repo to allow to report testing
If you enabled GitHub Actions, the action will publish your package to GitHub Package Registry automatically.