javascript or typescript clone data in deep
TYPESCRIPT-CLONE-DATA is a typescript is a set of functions that allow clone in deep complex objects, maps, sets or arrays
- For a complex object use clone function
- const myClonedObject = CloneDataInDeep.clone(myObject)
- For a complex or simple array use cloneArray function
- const myClonedArray = CloneDataInDeep.cloneArray(myArray)
- For a complex or simple map use cloneMap function
- const myClonedMap = CloneDataInDeep.cloneMap(myMap)
- For a complex or simple set use cloneSet function
- const myClonedSet = CloneDataInDeep.cloneSet(mySet)
- or if you prefer for any of the cases you can use the clone function
- clone function, this function is useful for any kind of data (objects, arrays, sets, maps) but if you want to be more specific you can use these other functions cloneArray, cloneMap and cloneSet
function testClone() {
const objectTest = {
id: '123',
age: 33, date: new Date(),
allow: true,
injured: false,
arrData: {name: 'my name', arr: [{id: '123', name: 'my name'}]},
mapData: new Map().set(1, {id: '123}),
setData: new Set().add(99).add({data: 'more data'})
const clonedObject = CloneDataInDeep.clone(objectTest);
- cloneArray function
function testClone() {
const arrayTest: any[] = [
id: 'myId',
myMap: new Map().set(1, 44),
mySet: new Set().add(99),
arr: [4, { data: 99 }]
const clonedArray: any[] = CloneDataInDeep.cloneArray(arrayTest);
- cloneMap function
function testClone() {
const mapTest = new Map()
.set('firstKey', 1)
.set('secondKey', { id: 'myId', myMap: new Map().set(1, 44), mySet: new Set().add(99), arr: [4, { data: 99 }] })
.set('thirdKey', new Map().set('name', 'My name'))
.set('fourth', new Set().add({ id: '1234' }));
const clonedMap = CloneDataInDeep.cloneMap(mapTest);
- myClonedSet function
function testClone() {
const setTest = new Set()
.add({ id: 'myId', myMap: new Map().set(1, 44), mySet: new Set().add(99), arr: [4, { data: 99 }] })
.add(new Map().set('name', 'My name'))
.add(new Set().add({ id: '1234' }))
.add([4, { data: 99 }]);
const clonedSet = CloneDataInDeep.cloneSet(setTest);