The Parser for TyperX
Typerx Parser
Yes as simple as that.
I had some issues while creating the typerx project, so I created this parser library
What was the problem?
It was very hard to create diffrent tests because I had to write all code and then replace newlines and tabs with \n and \t.
How did I solve it?
Well I just made a simple Parser
I know What you're thinking : 🤔 Hey Himanshu This is technically not a parser, it's just replacing newlines and tabs with \n and \t.
Well my friend you are right and wrong. Technically it is a parser, because it making language conversion. I am calling that \t\n Programming Language.
npm install typerxparser
to install the library
Example 1:
Input : console.log(Parser(`const a = "Hello World"`))
Output : const a = \"Hello World\"
Example 2:
Input :
let input = `
const a = 10;
const b = 20;
// check if a is greater than b
if (a > b) {
} else {
console.log("Program Ended");
let output = Parser(input)
Output : const a = 10;\nconst b = 20;\n// check if a is greater than b\nif (a > b) {\n\tconsole.log(a);\n} else {\n\tconsole.log(b);\n}\n\nconsole.log(\"Program Ended\");
Made by Vedik Dev - Himanshu Jangid
For Dev Just for me
See ya