Simply add Webhooks to your TypeORM models
TypeORM Webhook Extensions
Simply add webhooks to your TypeORM entities. Send events to a webhook-configured endpoint(s) after a TypeORM entity is loaded, removed, updated, or inserted.
npm install --save typeorm-webhook-extensions
yarn add typeorm-webhook-extensions
Decorate TypeORM Models with @Webhook
import { Entity } from 'typeorm';
import webhookExtension, { Webhook } from 'typeorm-webhook-extensions';
sendOnInsert: true,
sendOnLoad: true,
sendOnRemove: true,
sendOnUpdate: true,
onError: (error) => { console.log(error); },
onSuccess: (endpoint, status, payload) => { console.log(endpoint, status, payload )},
class User {
public id: number = 0;
public username: string = '';
public password: string = '';
The @Webhook
decorator takes arguments that match the WebhookOptions
interface WebhookOptions {
sendOnLoad?: boolean | WebhookFormatter;
sendOnUpdate?: boolean | WebhookFormatter;
sendOnRemove?: boolean | WebhookFormatter;
sendOnInsert?: boolean | WebhookFormatter;
webhookEndpoint?: string | string | WebhookEndpointBuilder;
okStatuses?: number[];
onError?: WebhookErrorHandler;
onSuccess?: WebhookActionLogger;
is an asynchronous function that returns Promise<string | string[]>
. If you need to send events to different webhook URLs based on information in the entity, this is approximately how you can do so:
const getWebhookEndpoints = async (entity: any) => {
const companyEndpoints = await getConnection().query(`SELECT webhook_endpoint FROM companies WHERE owner_id=${entity.id};`);
return companyEndpoints.map(company => company.webhook_endpoint);
If true is passed to sendOnLoad
, sendOnUpdate
, sendOnRemove
, or sendOnInsert
, a payload containing the non-function properties from your entity along with webhookType will be sent to your specified webhook. Optionally, you may pass a WebhookFormatter
function in for any of these options. The WebhookFormatter
receives the instance of the entity as its sole argument. For example, this would exclude the (hopefully hashed) password from being sent to the webhook endpoint:
sendOnLoad: (entity => ({
event_type: 'load',
resource: 'user',
username: entity.username,
Change Global Options
Some options can be configured globally for all decorated TypeORM entities. Here is an example of how you can change these options:
// Import as above
webhookExtension.setOptions(<TypeORMWebhookExtensionsOptions> {
okStatuses: [200, 201], // HTTP status codes that signify the webhook server successfully received the event
webhookEndpoint: 'https://localhost/api/webhook', // The URL to send webhook events to
onError: (error) => { console.log(error); }, // A callback to run in the event that the webhook event does not successfully send
onSuccess: (endpoint, status, payload) => { console.log(endpoint, status, payload )}, // A callback to run in the event that the webhook event successfully sends
TypeScript Configuration
"target": "es2015", // at least
"experimentalDecorators": true
Be sure to set up a webhookEndpoint, either on the default export singleton or in the webhook decorator's options.
Feel free to contribute by forking this repository, making, testing, and building your changes, then opening a pull request. Please try to maintain a uniform code style.