Write fuss-free transactional tests for your TypeOrm entities
is a factory package for typeorm
helps your team write clean, transactional tests.
It is inspired by the factory-bot
gem and uses viniciusjssouza's typeorm-transactional-tests code to monkeypatch typeorm for transaction handling.
npm install --save-dev typeorm-factory-tools
- Define multiple factory variations for the same entity in a simple yet featureful syntax
- Use factories to build instances with overridden properties
- Support complex entity relationships without violating key constraints
- Wrap up test cases in a transaction context to prevent disk-writes and enable fast tests
- Create common instances used in multiple cases
This awesome package provides a simple API that to define factories, create instances from those factories, and wrap tests in transactions:
- defines factories with default propertiesrelate
- creates relationships between instances (for any cardinality)make
- makes an instance of a factorymakeMany
- makes multiple instances of a factorytransact
- runs the test function in a single transaction by overriding typeorm'sconnection
- creates common instances for each test case that usestransact
Below is an example of how you could structure your project to integrate this package.
For demonstration purpose, we'll first create the User
, Photo
, and Tag
entities. User
has a one-to-many relationship with Photo
, and many-to-many relationship with Tag
// User.ts
import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, OneToMany, ManyToMany } from "typeorm";
import { Photo } from "./Photo";
import { Tag } from "./Tag";
export class User {
id: number;
name: string;
email: string;
@OneToMany(type => Photo, photo => photo.user)
photos: Photo[];
@ManyToMany(type => Tag, tag => tag.users)
tags: Tag[];
// Photo.ts
import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, ManyToOne, JoinColumn } from "typeorm";
import { User } from "./User";
export class Photo {
id: number;
url: string;
@ManyToOne(type => User, user => user.photos)
@JoinColumn({ name: 'userId' })
user: User;
@Column({ nullable: false })
userId: number;
// Tag.ts
import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, ManyToMany, JoinTable } from "typeorm";
import { User } from "./User";
export class Tag {
id: number;
@ManyToMany(type => User, user => user.tags, {
cascade: true
users: User[];
name: string;
Next, let's make a file called factories.ts
to define our factories and additional test utilities.
// factories.ts
import { define, make, makeMany, setDefaults, relate } from 'typeorm-factory-tools';
import * as faker from 'faker';
import { Photo } from './entities/Photo';
import { User } from './entities/User';
import { Tag } from './entities/Tag';
setDefaults(async () => {
// code in here will be run inside every transaction in every test case. In this case, we will make
// a User instance with tags and photos before each test.
await make(User, {}, 'withTagsAndPhotos');
define(User, {
name: () => faker.name.firstName(),
email: () => faker.internet.email(),
define(User, {
name: () => faker.name.firstName(),
email: () => faker.internet.email(),
afterSave: async (user) => {
// the code here will be run after an instance of User has been created
// we'll make a Tag instance, and relate it to the user
const tag = await make(Tag);
await relate(User, 'tags', user, tag);
// we can also make multiple photos, and assign them to the user
const photos = await makeMany(Photo, 2, { userId: user.id });
await relate(User, 'photos', user, photos);
}, 'withTagsAndPhotos');
define(Photo, {
// we can also make a User first here then take its id (since the userId cannot be null)
userId: async () => (await make(User)).id,
url: () => faker.image.imageUrl(),
define(Tag, {
name: () => faker.lorem.slug(),
Now that our factories are defined, we can create a User with 1 tag and 2 photos attached by simply calling await make(User)
We can also override the User's email by adding it as a prop: await make(User, { email: '[email protected]'})
. How cool is that?
Time for the exciting part - our first test!
// example.test.ts
import { createConnection, Connection } from "typeorm";
import { User } from "./entities/User";
import { Photo } from "./entities/Photo";
import { Tag } from "./entities/Tag";
import { make, setConnection, disconnect, transact, context, relate } from "typeorm-factory-tools";
let connection;
beforeAll(async () => {
connection = setConnection(await createConnection(...your connection settings));
afterAll(async () => await disconnect());
let tag1;
context(async () => {
tag1 = await make(Tag);
describe('test factory', async () => {
const getRepo = (repo) => connection.manager.getRepository(repo);
it('creates a user with related tags and photos in a transaction', transact(async () => {
const newUser = await make<User>(User, {}, 'withTagsAndPhotos');
const [retrievedUser] = await getRepo(User).findByIds([newUser.id], { relations: ['photos', 'tags'] });
expect((await getRepo(User).findAndCount())[1]).toEqual(2);
it('lets us override props', transact(async () => {
const newUser = await make<User>(User, { name: 'Typeorm McFactorytoolsFace' });
const [retrievedUser] = await getRepo(User).findByIds([newUser.id]);
expect(retrievedUser.name).toEqual('Typeorm McFactorytoolsFace');
it('uses the tag instance created in the context', transact(async () => {
const newUser = await make<User>(User);
await relate(User, 'tags', newUser, tag1);
const [retrievedUser] = await getRepo(User).findByIds([newUser.id], { relations: ['tags'] });
it('creates the instances inside setDefaults() in factories.ts', transact(async () => {
expect((await getRepo(User).findAndCount())[1]).toEqual(1);
it('creates a photo instance and the required user without violating the non-null userId constraint', transact(async () => {
const photo = await make(Photo);
const [retrievedPhoto] = await getRepo(Photo).findByIds([photo.id], { relations: ['user'] });
This package was developed by Ewen and the Certain Lending team. https://www.certainlending.com/