TestRail API's
testrail-integration tool
Please use below version to support only testrail APi's without cucumber
You can try with the new version also
npm i [email protected]
#Upcoming features
- Going to support Mocha integration
- It supports CommonJS, ES, ECMACScript and TypeScript
- Supports all Testrail api's that are available
- Pretty easy to use this library for JS and non JavaScript developers
- It supports Cucumber, Mocha and other frameworks as well
- It helps integration testing with all testing frameworks
- Handled all exceptions, so no need to use try catch blocks
- Well managed responses
- Interfaces already implemented, so use it directly
- more customized options for step results
- async and awaits are supported
- Actively maintained
-Please check API reference: https://www.gurock.com/testrail/docs/api
Please refer below git urls for Cucumber Integration with testrail
- it supports Protractor , WebdriverIO and other tools which supports cucumber framework
Testrail integrations with CUCUMBER scenarios by just adding cucumber tags ex: @c1234 @Bug-DSS-3467
- https://github.com/automatekitbox/testrail-api-integration/blob/main/README.md
- https://github.com/automatekitbox/testrail-api-integration/blob/main/cucumbertestrail.png
Always update test result after execution of test case
Use After hook
You will not miss previous testcase results if something aborts in the middle of test execution
#Handling right error messages
"message": "Response code 400 (Bad Request)",
"name": "HTTPError",
"host": "inc1.testrail.io",
"url": "https://inc1.testrail.io/index.php?/api/v2/add_result_for_case/1/156789",
"path": "/index.php?/api/v2/add_result_for_case/1/156789",
"body": "\"{\\\"error\\\":\\\"Field :case_id is not a valid test case.\\\"}\""
Ex: handle error with catch
try {
await testrail.getCased(caseId);
} catch ( err) {
console.log( err);
Sample code for JS and TS(typescript)
- Refer interfaces to know what data needs to be passed otherwise use implemented interfaces directly
- https://github.com/automatekitbox/testrail-api-integration/blob/main/testrail.interface.ts
- Sample code
const {INewTestResultImpl } = require("testrail-integration");
const content = new INewTestResultImpl();
content.comment = "FIRST COMMENT";
content.version = "Build#1";
content.defects = "DSS-123";
getTests(run_id: number)
const { TestRailClient } = require("testrail-integration");
(async () => {
const options = {
username: "[email protected]",
password: "pwd",
url: "https://my.testrail.io"
const client = new TestRailClient(options);
const res = await client.getTests(1);
import {TestRailClient} from "testrail-integration";
const options = {
username: "[email protected]",
password: "pwd",
url: "https://my.testrail.io"
const client = new TestRailClient(options);
const res = await client.getTests(1);
addResultForCase(runId: number, caseId: number, content: INewTestResult)
const { TestRailClient } = require("testrail-integration");
(async () => {
const options = {
username: "[email protected]",
password: "pwd",
url: "https://my.testrail.io"
const client = new TestRailClient(options);
const content = {
comment: "FIRST COMMENT",
version: "Build#1",
defects: "DSS-123",
status_id: 5 //fail
const testResult = await client.addResultForCase(1, 2, content );
console.log("Test Results property wise" + testResult.status_id + testResult.comment + testResult.defects);
console.log("Test Results" + JSON.stringify(testResult));
using Interface - better approach
const { TestRailClient, INewTestResultImpl } = require("testrail-integration");
(async () => {
const options = {
username: "[email protected]",
password: "pwd",
url: "https://my.testrail.io"
const client = new TestRailClient(options);
//Using Interface implentation
const content = new INewTestResultImpl();
content.comment = "FIRST COMMENT";
content.version = "Build#1";
content.defects = "DSS-123";
status_id: 1; //pass
const testResult = await client.addResultForCase(1, 2, content );
console.log("Test Results property wise" + testResult.status_id + testResult.comment + testResult.defects);
console.log("Test Results" + JSON.stringify(res1));
addResultsForCases(runId: number, results: INewTestResults[]) ==> update test result for multiple cases
- Sending content directly
const { TestRailClient } = require("testrail-integration");
(async () => {
const options = {
username: "[email protected]",
password: "pwd",
url: "https://my.testrail.io"
const client = new TestRailClient(options);
const content = [{
case_id: 4,
comment: "FIRST COMMENT",
version: "Build#1",
status_id: 1 //pass
}, {
comment: "SECOND COMMENT",
version: "Build#1",
defects: "DSS-124",
status_id: 5 //fail
} ]
const res1 = await client.addResultsForCases(1, content );
console.log("Test Results property wise for each case" + res1[0].status_id + res1[1].status_id );
console.log("Test Results" + JSON.stringify(res1));
Using Interface to update multiple testcase results
const { TestRailClient, INewTestResultsImpl } = require("testrail-integration");
(async () => {
const options = {
username: "[email protected]",
password: "pwd",
url: "https://my.testrail.io"
const client = new TestRailClient(options);
const newTestResults = [];
const firstCaseResult = new INewTestResultsImpl();
firstCaseResult.case_id = 1;
firstCaseResult.comment = "ARRAY!";
firstCaseResult.status_id = 5;
const secondCaseResult = new INewTestResultsImpl();
secondCaseResult.case_id = 19;
secondCaseResult.comment = "ARRAY!";
secondCaseResult.status_id = 5;
const res = await client.addResultsForCases(1, newTestResults );
console.log("Test Results" + JSON.stringify(res));
addRun(projectId: number, content: INewTestRun):
- Provide suite_id if it is applicable Note: Free trail , we will not see suites, so we create testcases without suite
//Free Trial testrail
const myNewRun = { name: "My TESTRUN!", description: "MY NEW RUN ONE" };
const addRun = await client.addRun(1, myNewRun);
//Official testrail, your testcases belongs to suite, so suite_id is mandatory
const myNewRun = { suite_id: 2, name: "My TESTRUN!", description: "MY NEW RUN ONE" };
const newRunResult = await client.addRun(1, myNewRun);
console.log("New Run Details" + JSON.stringify(newRunResult));
//----- ADD RUNS AND Cases
- supported wrapper to get run_id
getRunId(projectId: number, runName: string):
addRun(projectId: number, content: INewTestRun)
getRun(runId: number)
getRuns(projectId: number)
updateRun(runId: number, content: INewTestRun)
getCase(caseId: number): returns
getCases(projectId: number, caseFilters: ICaseFilters)
addCase(sectionId: number, content: ICase)
updateCase(caseId: number, content: ICaseUpdate)
deleteCase(caseId: number)
deleteCases(projectId: number, suiteId: number, soft: number = 1, caseIds: number[])
// ----- Case Fields -----
// ----- Case Types -----
// ----- Configurations -----
getConfigs(project_id: number)
addConfigGroup(project_id: number, content: IConfigurationUpdate)
addConfig(config_group_id: number, content: IConfigurationUpdate)
updateConfigGroup(config_group_id: number, content: IConfigurationUpdate)
updateConfig(config_id: number, content: IConfigurationUpdate)
deleteConfigGroup(config_group_id: number)
deleteConfig(config_id: number)
// ----- Milestones -----
getMilestone(milestone_id: number)
getMilestones(project_id: number, filters: IMilestoneFilters)
addMilestone(project_id: number, content: INewMilestone)
updateMilestone(milestone_id: number, content: IMilestoneUpdate)
deleteMilestone(milestone_id: number)
// ----- Plans -----
getPlan(plan_id: number)
getPlans(project_id: number, filters: any)
addPlan(project_id: number, content: any)
addPlanEntry(plan_id: number, content: any)
updatePlan(plan_id: number, content: any)
updatePlanEntry(plan_id: number, entry_id: number, content: any)
closePlan(plan_id: number)
deletePlan(plan_id: number)
deletePlanEntry(plan_id: number, entry_id: number)
// ----- Priorities -----
// ----- Projects -----
getProject(project_id: number)
getProjects(filters: IProjectFilters)
addProject(content: IProjectUpdate)
updateProject(project_id: number, content: IProjectUpdate)
deleteProject(project_id: number)
// ----- Results -----
getResults(test_id: number, filters: ITestResultFilters)
getResultsForCase(run_id: number, case_id: number, filters: ITestResultFilters)
getResultsForRun(run_id: number, filters: ITestResultsForRunFilters)
addResult(test_id: number, content: INewTestResult)
addResults(run_id: number, content: INewTestResult[])
// ----- Result Fields -----
// ----- Sections -----
getSection(section_id: number)
getSections(project_id: number, filters: any)
addSection(project_id: number, content: INewSection)
updateSection(section_id: number, content: ISectionUpdate)
deleteSection(section_id: number)
// ----- Statuses -----
// ----- Suites -----
getSuite(suite_id: number)
getSuites(project_id: number)
addSuite(project_id: number, content: INewSuite)
updateSuite(suite_id: number, content: INewSuite)
deleteSuite(suite_id: number)
// ----- Templates -----
getTemplates(project_id: number)
----- Tests -----
getTest(test_id: number)
getTests(run_id: number, filters?: { status_id?: number | number[] })
----- Users -----
getUser(user_id: number) getUserByEmail(email: string) getUsers()
Publishing changes
Document is in progress! Queries at [email protected]
Please see LICENSE.md.