A TypeScript backend web framework with simple DX
TypeBeam is a backend framework for building scalable, maintainable, and secure TypeScript applications. It is designed to provide a streamlined and intuitive developer experience, while still being flexible enough to handle a wide range of use cases.
It has been built with the main focus on creating minimal code to be as expressive as possible. The best DX we could imagine. While making most use of TypeScript type-inference to do the heavy lifting. Removing the need for boilerplate inherent in other popular "enterprise" backend frameworks.
It also aims to be dependency-free. With no dependencies, the framework can be easier to audit, and it reduces the attack surface of the application. You also have the flexibility to plug in components as required. You can bring your own ORM, or (as will be explained in the docs) prefer no ORM. Use Zod for validation, or provide your own. Plug in any third-party authentication provider, or roll yor own. Use CASL for authorisation, or use your own.
It's also part of the TypeBeam philosophy to not need a CLI. A CLI would be useful to scaffold out parts of an application when a framework requires lots of boilerplate. But TypeBeam aims to not need this because we want to avoid needing lots of boilerplate.
Express and Nest.js are great options for building backends for Node.js.
Express is great because it's the most popular, battle-tested, and with an extensive ecosystem of middleware and extensions. Express is currently the most commonly used backend library for Node.js. Although it is not technically a framework, it is surrounded by an extensive ecosystem. While it is still a practical choice, it may not feel like a modern option for TypeScript development.
On the other hand, Nest.js is often described as an "enterprisey" solution due to its support for a decoupled modular architecture and its use of TypeScript. However, it does not fully take advantage of type inference to improve development experience, resulting in code that can feel overly complex and repetitive.
If you're looking for a backend Node.js library that makes use of TypeScript in a way that improves developer experience, without excessive boilerplate, then give TypeBeam a try.
TypeBeam is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use it for your personal or commercial projects.
TypeBeam can be installed using npm or yarn:
npm install typebeam
Vanilla Startup
To get started with TypeBeam, just create a new npm project, install a few dev dependencies required to work with TypeScript, and then install TypeBeam:
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
npm init -y
npm i -D typescript ts-node nodemon
npm i typebeam @tsconfig/node18-strictest-esm
Update package.json
to include "type": "module"
Configure TypeScript with a tsconfig.json
"extends": "@tsconfig/node18-strictest-esm/tsconfig.json",
"include": ["src/**/*"],
"exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"],
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "dist"
Create a main.ts
import { ServerBuilder } from "typebeam";
const app = new ServerBuilder()
app.get('/health-check').handle(() => ({ message: "OK!" }));
const server = await app.build();
await server.listen();
Add the following npm script to your package.json to start the server:
"scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon -w *.ts -e ts -x node --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --loader ts-node/esm ./src/main.ts"
Then start your server with:
npm run dev
Now open http://localhost:3000/health-check in a browser to see your API response.
High-level overview
Create a server builder and configure it. Provide config to constructor. The inferred type is used when passing this config to providers and handlers. A kind of dependency injection is used that allows decoupling global and request-scoped providers. If used effectively, this can simplify the architecture, and make testing easier. More about that in later sections of the documentation.
Use context()
to add global providers,
and use provide()
to add request-scoped providers.
Context and provide methods should be chained together as TypeScript type inference is then used to build up a full type definition of the ServerBuilder. All global and request-scoped injection later on will use the types inferred at this early stage of configuration of the ServerBuilder.
Add routes to the server builder, and configure routes, providing a route handler. Each route is added by calling one of the HTTP verbs on the server builder. This returns a RouteBuilder to which various methods calls can be chained, again taking advantage of TypeScript type inference to build up the appropriate types, which are then available for injection into the route handler.
Finally, after defining all routes, the server is built, and you call listen()
to start
accepting incoming requests.
Examples [WIP]
Hopefully the high-level overview made some sense. But it might be better to get an idea of how TypeBeam is used by looking at some examples.
First a simple hello world that demonstrates how to configure a route with a single query parameter, and return a basic JSON response.
A more fully-fledged CRUD app, but with data stored in memory so no persistence. Not very useful, as all the data is reset every time the service restarts, but demonstrates how to use a few more of the TypeBeam features.
A more real world example uses Postgres for persistence, Firebase for authentication, and demonstrates features such as access control, database migrations (with ley) and configuration from environment variables. There's a full tutorial walkthrough that demonstrates this setup.
To add routes to an application, you call the functions provided on the ServerBuilder named
after the HTTP verb you require. GET requests are recommended for fetching data, and POST
requests are recommended for anything that modifies data or causes a state change.
The response from get()
or post()
returns a RouteBuilder which you use to further refine
the route definition, most of this is optional, except you must follow up with a route handler
callback. This is added by calling handle()
on the route builder. For example:
app.get('/api/v1/todo').handle(() => []); // TODO: return list of TODOs
app.post('/api/v1/todo').handle(() => ({})); // TODO: create new TODO!
You can also use other HTTP verbs:
After calling the HTTP verb you have a route builder. This you can chain any of these methods:
.query() // define query params
.body() // define body schema
.inject() // which request-scoped providers to inject
.guard() // perform authorisation check
.handle() // REQUIRED - define the route handler
These methods are chained off the HTTP verb from the server builder.
Query and Body validation
A callback is provided to either .query()
or .body()
that will be used to validate
the query string parameters or request body. TypeScript type inference is leveraged to
take the return type from the validation function, and use this to then type the appropriate
parameter for the handler callback. Here is an example making use of Zod for the
query string validation:
.query(z.object({ name: z.string() }).parse)
.handle(({ query: { name }}) => ({ message: `Hello, ${name}!`}));
Or perhaps using Zod to validate a POST request body:
.body(z.object({ title: z.string() }).parse)
.handle(({ body: { title }}) => {
// TODO: use `title` to create something
You can specify parameters in the URL too. These are all inferred to be of string type,
but you could always coerce them as needed. Any path part prefixed with a :
will be
extracted from the URL and passed to the handler as a param. Some TypeScript magic
(that you can read about here) is used to infer the shape of the param object passed to
the handler function:
.body(z.object({ title: z.string() }).parse)
.handle(({ params: { id }, body: { title }}) => {
// TODO: use `title` to update item identified by `id`
HTTP response codes
Success will return HTTP status 200 by default, except in the case of POST where it defaults
to 201. If you want to override this use .httpCode()
as part of the route builder chain.
For example, to return a 200 OK instead of 201 Created from a POST:
app.post('do-something').httpCode(200).handle(() => /* TODO */)
or maybe a 202 Accepted if you have queued something for async processing:
app.post('queue').httpCode(202).handle(() => /* TODO */)