A minimal package to access web storages in a type safe way
A minimal and light-weight package to acces web storages in a type safe way. You will need to provide a zod schema that will be used to parse the data from the local/session storage. With this approach an error is raised if the data does not match the desired type (it may happen if the user manually edit the data in the storages).
npm install zod type-safe-web-storage
// or
yarn add zod type-safe-web-storage
import { z } from "zod";
import { initStorageState } from "type-safe-web-storage";
const state = initStorageState({
type: "local", //Determine if local or session storage
key: "peson", //The key for the chosen storage
//You zod schema, that will determine the type of the state
schema: z.object({
name: z.string(),
surname: z.string().optional(),
dog: z.object({
name: z.string(),
age: z.number().nullable(),
friends: z.array(z.string()),
//Additional, non required option, useful to control error handling
options: {
resetStateOnParsingError: true, //Default: false
throwParsingError: false, //Default: true
* const stateSnapshot: {
* name: string;
* dog: {
* name: string;
* age: number | null;
* };
* friends: string[];
* surname?: string | undefined;
* } | null
const stateSnapshot = state.getStorageState();
* setStorageState: (value: {
* name: string;
* dog: {
* name: string;
* age: number | null;
* };
* friends: string[];
* surname?: string | undefined;
* }) => void
name: "Riccardo",
dog: {
name: "Pascal",
age: 10,
friends: ["Marco", "Davide"],
* Remove value from the storage
When the storage state is set a StorageEvent is dispatched. This can be useful to sync the state in the same or different browser tabs.
const handleStorageChange = (e: StorageEvent) => {
//handle only relevant events
if (e.key !== "person" || e.storageArea !== window.localStorage) return;
console.log(e.newValue); //Log stringified state
window.addEventListener("storage", handleStorageChange);