The Tyler UI project is an implementation of Material Design in Angular.js. This project provides a set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components based on the Material Design system. Tyler UI is supported internally at Tyler by the Tyler Ente
Tyler UI 2.1.0
This repository generates several NPM packages.
- Tyler UI
- Tyler UI Material
- Tyler UI Add to Homescreen (fork of Add to Homescreen)
- Tyler UI Hotkeys (fork of angular-hotkeys)
- Tyler UI Mousetrap-custom (extensions for mousetrap)
- Tyler UI pleasejs (fork of please.js)
Follow Machine Setup instructions http://pladvsv-tldr:8080/machine-setup/ for configuring NPM.
npm install tyler-ui
npm install tyler-ui-material
npm install tyler-ui-add-to-homescreen
npm install tyler-ui-hotkeys
npm install tyler-ui-mousetrap-custom
npm install tyler-ui-pleasejs
Include in your app module
angular.module('myApp', ['tt'])
angular.module('myApp', ['ttMaterial'])
// require or import for `tyler-ui-add-to-homescreen`
angular.module('myApp', ['ttHotkeys'])
// require or import for `tyler-ui-mousetrap-custom`
// require or import for `tyler-ui-please`
Docs and Demos
The Tyler UI Material Live Docs are generated from the source code and demos; and, in fact, the Live Docs actually use the Angular Material components and themes.
Our build process uses dgeni, the wonderful documentation generator built by Pete Bacon Darwin.
To view the Live Docs (locally):
- Install the dependencies using
npm install
- Build source files using
npm start
this will run webpack, gulp docs, and gulp-connect - Open browser at
npm install
npm start