Two dimensional geometry manipulation
Two dimensional geometry manipulation
$ npm install twodee
###Creating a simple Triangle
twodee uses xyzw for vector manipulation.
$ npm install xyzw
import Vector2 from 'xyzw/source/Vector2';
import Triangle2 from 'twodee/source/Triangle2';
To get es5 safe versions of all files replace /source with /es5
###Creating a triangle
const triangleA = new Triangle2(
new Vector2([0.0, 0.0]),
new Vector2([0.0, 1.0]),
new Vector2([1.0, 0.0])
const point0 = triangleA.p0;
const point1 = triangleA.p1;
const point2 = triangleA.p2;
const orientation = triangleA.orientation;
const centroid = triangleA.centroid;
const circumcenter = triangleA.circumcenter
const area = triangleA.area;
####Factory constructors
All primitives come with convenient factory constructors:
const center = new Vector2([0.0, 0.0]);
const radius = 1.0;
const rotation = Math.PI;
const triangleB = Triangle2.Equilateral(center, radius, rotation);
####Collision testing
Triangles can test for collisions with points, segments and other triangles:
const intersections = [];
const collision = triangleA.intersects(triangleB, intersections);
All intersection tests have static versions that do not require actual objects:
const intersections = [];
const collision = Triangle2.intersect(
triangleA.p0, triangleA.p1, triangleA.p2,
triangleB.p0, triangleB.p1, triangleB.p2,
###Creating a ray
import Ray2 from 'twodee/source/Ray2';
const ray = new Ray2(new Vector2([0.0, 0.0]), new Vector2([0.0, 1.0]));
const origin = ray.origin;
const orientation = ray.orientation;
Rays can test for intersections with line segments and other rays. All line intersection tests guarantee valid results for parallel and co-linear entities.
const point0 = new Vector2([4.0, -0.5]);
const point1 = new Vector2([4.0, 0.5]);
const intersection = new Vector2();
const collision = ray.intersectsSegment(point0, point1, intersection);
###Creating a Bounding Box Rectangle
import Vector2 from 'xyzw/source/Vector2';
import Rectangle2 from 'twodee/source/Rectangle2';
const box = Rectangle2.AABB([
new Vector2([0.0, 0.0]),
new Vector2([0.0, 1.0]),
new Vector2([1.0, 0.0])
const transform = box.transform;
const extend = box.extend;
const center =;
const width = box.width;
const height = box.height;
const aspect = box.aspect;
const area = box.area;
Rectangles can test for collisions with points, segments and other rectangles
###Creating a segmented line
import PolyLine2 from 'twodee/source/PolyLine2';
const lineA = PolyLine2.Rectangle2(box);
const points = lineA.point;
const segments = lineA.segments;
const closed = lineA.closed;
Segmented lines can test for collisions with points, line segments and other segment lines. All line intersection test guarantee valid results for parallel and co-linear entities.
const lineB = PolyLine2.ConvexHullGraham([
new Vector2([0.0, 0.0]),
new Vector2([0.0, 1.0]),
new Vector2([1.0, 0.0]),
new Vector2([1.0, 1.0])
const intersections = [];
const collision = lineB.intersects(lineA, intersections);
###Creating a Polygon
import Polygon2 from 'twodee/source/Polygon2';
const poly = new Polygon2();
const v0 = poly.createVertex(new Vector2([0.0, 0.0]));
const v1 = poly.createVertex(new Vector2([0.0, 1.0]));
const v2 = poly.createVertex(new Vector2([1.0, 0.0]));
const v3 = poly.createVertex(new Vector2([1.0, 1.0]));
const f0 = poly.createFace(v0, v1, v2);
const f1 = poly.createFace(v1, v3, v2);
const center = poly.centroid;
const area = poly.area;
const vertices = poly.vertex;
const edges = poly.edge;
const faces = poly.face;
const point = poly.point;
const drawList = poly.indexList;
Polygons expose a rich api for geometry manipulations:
const [e0] = poly.edgeOfVertex(v1, [v2]);
const e1 = poly.turnEdge(e0);
const [f2, f3] = poly.faceOfEdge(e1);
const [f4, f5, f6] = poly.subdivideFace(f3);
Polygons can test for collisions with Points and other Polygons
const polyB = Polygon2.PolyLine2(lineB);
const intersections = [];
const collision = poly.intersects(polyB);