Webpack loader for compiling Twig templates using a remote PHP Rendering Service
Twig PHP Loader for Webpack v4 (super early WIP!)
Webpack loader for natively compiling Twig templates via an external PHP rendering service. Based originally off of
Extra huge shoutout to Evan Lovely for his help on a ton of the ideas behind this!
npm install twig-loader-php
const TwigPhpLoader = require('twig-php-loader');
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.twig$/,
loader: TwigPhpLoader.loader,
options: {
port: config.port,
namespaces: twigNamespaces,
includeContext: false, // false by default - this changes how / when the Twig template gets rendered so that HtmlWebpackPlugin's contextual data is available
plugins: [
new TwigPhpLoader(), // <-- super important part!
// For example, wiring this up to the HtmlWebpackPlugin to compile Pattern Lab's Workshop UI (as Twig templates)
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
title: 'Custom template',
filename: '../index.html',
inject: true,
cache: false,
// Load a custom template (lodash by default see the FAQ for details)
template: path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../../packages/uikit-workshop/src/html-twig/index.twig'),
Note: in this early version, internally we're assuming the PHP service's API expects requests to be structured as http://localhost:${opts.port}/api/render-twig?templatePath=${querystringifiedTemplate}
-- with the body of the POST request containing the Twig data to be passed along.
This will eventually change to become much more customizable!