Proxy to run a modern dev server in old browsers
A proxy server which allows using modern dev servers in old browsers. "Run SvelteKit on a TV"
TVKit intercepts requests to a webserver and converts the responses to make them work in old browsers. This works by injecting polyfills and transpiling the modern JavaScript and CSS to code that's compatible with older browsers.
Usage (dev server)
- Start your vite project as normal
- Run
npx tvkit@latest serve --browser "chrome 50"
in another terminal - Open http://localhost:3000/ in an old browser to visit your website
tvkit serve
| Option | Default value | Description |
| ----------- | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [target] | http://localhost:5173 | The URL of the website that is too new |
| --port | 3000 | The port the proxy server is going to run on |
| --browser | | The transpilation target (uses browserslist) |
| --add | | Override feature. Ex --add "es6-module"
forces adding systemjs polyfill |
| --remove | | Override feature: Ex --remove fetch
forces omitting whatwg-fetch polyfill |
| --no-css | false | Disable CSS transpilation |
| --ssl-cert | | Path to the SSL certificate for https |
| --ssl-key | | Path to the SSL certificate's private key |
| --no-minify | false | Disable minificaton for the polyfills |
| --help | | Show message per command. Ex: tvkit serve --help
TVKit adds browser aliases for SmartTV platforms:
Example --browser "Tizen 5"
is aliased to Chrome 63
Start tvkit & servers at the same time
Use concurrently to start both servers at the same time:
// package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "concurrently --kill-others-on-fail \"npm:dev:*\"",
"dev:vite": "vite dev",
"dev:tvkit": "tvkit serve --browser \"Tizen 4, WebOS 4\"",
Usage (build)
Copy folder contents and transform all html, js & css files into new directory.
Build your project for modern browsers (example: vite build) and then use the tvkit build
to convert the generated folder into something that is compatible for older browsers.
npx tvkit@latest build path/to/build --out path/to/output --browser "chrome 50"
tvkit build
| Option | Default value | Description |
| ----------- | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [folder] | | The folder containing modern javascript |
| --out | | The output folder |
| --browser | | The transpilation target (uses browserslist) |
| --force | false | Overwrite files in output folder |
| --add | | Override feature. Ex --add "es6-module"
forces adding systemjs polyfill |
| --remove | | Override feature: Ex --remove fetch
forces omitting whatwg-fetch polyfill |
| --no-css | false | Disable CSS transpilation |
| --no-minify | false | Disable minificaton |
| --quiet | false | Only log errors |
| --help | | Show message per command. Ex: tvkit build --help
Note: Polyfilling will degrade the performance for platforms that could've run the modern javascript version.
An alternative to tvkit build
is using @vitejs/plugin-legacy which has better performance on modern browsers, but doesn't work for some project setups (like SvelteKit projects).
TVKit supports static builds from any framework and has special support for SvelteKit's node-adapter & vercel-adapter builds.
- SystemJS to polyfill ES modules.
- Babel to transpile javascript on the fly.
- core-js, whatwg-fetch and others to polyfill missing features.
- PostCSS to transpile CSS on the fly using postcss-preset-env.
- And others: Rollup, Acorn, Terser, Yargs
Consider funding these projects as they do a lot of the heavy lifting.